God's Remedy.

A SHORT time back while out for a walk one evening by some water, I saw one of the most magnificent sunsets I ever remember witnessing in England. First, there was just the faintest streak of red, but gradually it seemed to burst into a richer glow, and to send out wave upon wave of fairy, rose-flushed cloudlets tipped with golden sheen deepening in shade as they traveled onwards, until as far as the eye could reach, it seemed one mass of crimson and gold. The rippling waters beneath sparkled and glistened, throwing out all manner of hues and colors, the reflection of the glorious splendor above.
All was perfect stillness, save the warbling of the birds, and the gentle rustling of the trees. I felt awed: it was so magnificent―too perfect almost, I thought, for anything of earth.
But suddenly I heard a distant rumbling noise, which gradually came nearer, spoiling all the stillness of the scene and then there whirled up, to dim and mar the glorious brightness and loveliness above, a column of thick yellow smoke from a train which was dashing rapidly along the line.
And I thought, “What a picture (small though it be) of sin coming in and spoiling God’s perfect work!”
Dear reader! has it not always been so? Wherever God is at work, Satan busies himself too, and continues to mar all the scene. Sin and the effects of sin creep in everywhere and ruin everything.
Sin has brought us nothing but death and utter misery—eternal misery, if we do not accept God’s remedy for it all. You know what that remedy is; you know He has given the Son who was His very heart’s delight for sinners.
Have YOU come to Him? or are you still “putting it off?”
Oh don’t be like a poor old lady I heard about a few weeks since, who had kept driving off till the morrow the question of her soul’s salvation; then after a long life she came to her death-bed, and it was never settled. Alas! she died screaming to SATAN to save her!
How fearful! you say―yes, fearful indeed; but what are YOU doing?
Oh don’t delay, you may be saved now, this moment, as you are reading this, if you only believe.
It is so simple, just to believe and live. Christ has died, so you may live, if you will only look to Him and rest in His finished work.
Poor heart-sick weary one, look right away to Him; and in looking you shall have everlasting life.
Could you have one human heart to love you as He loves you?
Come to Him; and see if He will not fill your soul to overflowing with His own deep wondrous peace and joy.
“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:14, 1514And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:14‑15).)
F. M.