The Witness of Men, and the Witness of God.

ONE rainy Lord’s Day evening, two young men plodded along a muddy road in one of the southern counties of Scotland, disappointed and somewhat discouraged at not being able to have a gospel meeting in the village they had left. Speaking of Christ by the way, they were returning to town some miles distant. Near crossroads one of them suggested to his companion, who was a visitor in that part, that if he were so inclined, they might visit an old farmer who lived about a mile and a half off this main road. He knew him to be in an inquiring state of soul: perhaps God would bless the visit and so their ten mile walk would not be a bootless journey. Only too glad for an opportunity to serve Christ, his friend consented, and a few minutes after found them, with dripping umbrellas, making for a distant farm-house.
The twilight, deepened by a dewy mist, set in before they reached the stealing, into which after a short time they were made heartily welcome with Scotch hospitality. They found upon entering the guid man sitting at the little kitchen window, poring with spectacled eyes over a large Bible which he attempted to read by the fastly receding light. This was a good sign; and as he was alone, his wife not having returned from a distant meeting, it was an opportunity for setting forth the Lord Jesus Christ. Spiritually the old man belonged to the “doubting” class, too numerous alas! among the decent-going Presbyterians of our land.
Well-read from youth in the Bible and the shorter catechism, while revering the Scriptures, he could not receive them in the childlike faith that the Father thereby spoke to him. He hoped for acquittal in the judgment-day through faith in the general mercy of God, and to be cleared then, partly on account of the sacrifice of Jesus, and partly by a good walk and conversation. Attending devoutly upon the ordinances of grace, he tried to bring up his family in the fear of the Lord. Dear soul, this was the farmer’s creed, is it yours? May the Lord show you how impossible it is for the lost to be saved, save by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Holiness of life following as a result of Christ received; as it is written in Col. 2:6,6As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: (Colossians 2:6) “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him.” The stranger inquired of the farmer what he read, and was told that it was 1 John 5.
Without further preface the visitor said, “We met three cows and two men, as we came up the road: do you believe me?” “Yes,” replied the old man. “How can you so readily believe my word, the saying of a stranger you never saw before?” “Oh, I have nae reason to doubt your word.” “Then you simply receive my witness to the fact?” “Yes I do.”
Now, turn to vs. 9 of the chapter before you, “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God, is greater: for this is the witness of God which He hath testified of His Son. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself; he that believeth not God hath made Him a liar; because he believeth not the witness that God gave of His Son.” “You have no difficulty,” continued the visitor, “in believing my word, and yet you doubt the word of God concerning His Son!”
The light broke into the listener’s soul. His wife entering at that moment, a rejoicing child of God, was told the story of meeting the cows and the men in the road. She immediately confirmed it by saying, “It was your brother Sandy and his neighbor driving the kye.” There was joy in that humble cottage; and, after partaking of new milk and scones, the guests departed. However they could not be allowed to go alone; the man and his wife walking a good mile with them (he without his hat), wishing to hear more of the old, old story of Jesus and His love. How simply we receive each other’s word. The rumor of a railway collision, or a dynamite explosion, is readily believed, without any effort; why then not as simply receive God’s good news? Because of the hardness of our hearts! But when once His Spirit opens our hearts, how simply do we receive “the engrafted word able to save our souls!”
Dear soul, believe the word of the truth of the gospel concerning Jesus Christ our Lord, who died for our sins according to the Scriptures, who was buried, but rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
The Scriptures thus are the only basis of faith to rest upon. All else is shifting sand. Hope and love are followers of faith. Faith takes God at His word about self and about the Lord Jesus; and hope maketh not ashamed, “for the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit given unto us.” “God is love.” “We love Him, because He first loved us.”
T. R. D.