Oh listen, sinner, listen!
‘Tis Jesus speaks to thee;
Speaks from the heights of glory
Of mercy, full and free.
Oh voice, of tend’rest pity!
Oh accents full of love!
Never man spake like Jesus―
The God-Man there above.
“Come unto Me,” He crieth,
And be forever blest:
My blood has power to cleanse thee
My love―to give thee rest.
I died for thee, O sinner!
And now, behold! I live;
To him who simply trusts
Me Eternal life I give.”
In voice of love and mercy
He speaks to thee today;
But if thou wilt not listen,
If thou wilt not obey.
A day there cometh quickly
When changed shall be the tone
Of Christ now waiting for thee―
Of God’s Eternal Son.
Upon the throne of glory
Thine eyes shall see Him then,
When trembling stand before Him
The guilty sons of men.
The Christ who died on Calvary
As righteous Judge thou’lt see;
The voice thou now neglectest―
What shall it speak to thee?
“Sinner! I called thee often,
And yet thou wouldst not hear;
Outstretched my hand to save thee,
But thou wouldst not draw near.
My holy Name thou barest,
And yet thou lowest not Me;
Lord, Lord! Thy lips oft called me,
But I was naught to Thee.
Wherefore, oh guilty sinner!
Depart afar from me!
In realms of woe eternal
Henceforth thy lot must be.
The way of sin and Satan
Has been thy fatal choice,
And now too late in pleading
Is raised thine anguished voice.
C. H. P.