“THE blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.” Exodus 12.
This was Jehovah’s word to Israel; and when Israel believed that word and acted on it, they had a perfect title to peace and security. It was faith in Jehovah’s word that gave them peace, it was the blood of the lamb that secured it. The blood of the lamb was the foundation of their peace, but it was not their estimate of its value, but Jehovah’s. The Lord did not say, “when you see the blood and estimate ifs value aright-when you feel as you ought to feel about your sins, then I will pass over you.” Had this been the word, not one of Israel’s first-born would have escaped the sword of judgment, inasmuch as Israel never could feel as they should feel about their sins, and never could have estimated aright the blood of the lamb. It was the perfect divine estimate of the blood which Jehovah alone could form, that secured the safety of every one who was under its shelter. An Israelite, inside the blood-sprinkled house, was at liberty to feed upon the lamb which had been roasted in the fire; but his feeding would not bring him peace. He might be eating it with herbs and unleavened bread; he might have killed the lamb and sprinkled the blood according to every letter of the word of the Lord, he might have rendered the most perfect obedience to Jehovah’s instructions; and yet he might be feeding upon the lamb in nothing but fear. His peace would be in proportion to his faith in the word of Jehovah. The Lord had said: “When I see the blood, I will pass over you;” and this was enough for every believing Israelite. It was this which gave them peace, and cast out all fear from their hearts and gave them the liberty of sweet and happy communion around the roasted lamb.
Beloved reader, has this no voice for you How is it, with you? Have you peace with God? Are you safe from the coming judgment of God upon a sinful world? As surely as the judgment fell upon Egypt so will it fall upon this guilty world. Are you prepared for it? If you are not sheltered by the precious blood of Christ that judgment will be your everlasting ruin; but if you believe God’s word concerning that blood you shall never come into judgment. The blood of Christ is the only foundation for the sinner’s acceptance before God; faith in God’s word about that blood is the only means of the sinner’s getting peace. Will you not trust in the precious blood of Christ and thus obtain peace to your soul “He that believeth on the Son HATH everlasting life;” and Jesus hath “made peace through the blood of His cross.”
H. C. C.