What God Says Gives Peace.

“COULD I be sure,” said a troubled soul to the preacher one evening,” of the very time, circumstances, and means of my conversion, I should be quite happy.” Happiness resting on such a foundation, she was told, would not last long. Satan would soon beat her in argument and plunge her soul in deeper troubles than ever. Then how can I be sure, many will be ready to inquire, that I am converted? If you are now really caring to be assured that you are converted, most likely you are; both the desire, and that which satisfies it, must come from God. But the word of God alone can give assurance.” Look unto me and be ye saved,” are the Lord’s own words. From the first moment that the eye looks to Christ as the Saviour the soul beyond all question shall be saved. It may not believe it; it may be judging of its state by its feelings; but the word of God must ever be true, notwithstanding. “Look unto me and be ye saved.” Our unbelief cannot make the word of God untrue, but it hinders our enjoyment, of Christ and salvation.
A. M.