WE were in the Bay of Biscay. A fierce storm was raging around us. The waves swept across the decks, and all the passengers had to go below. Some were shrieking in terror; others were praying. It was a time of danger apparently. I remember the comfort of a text of Scripture to me at that moment, “He holds the sea in the hollow of His hand.”
I felt the comfort of belonging to God then, and of being in the hands of God. I feel it now. On the sea of life storms arise, but the comfort of the love of God is a solace in the darkest hour. Do you, my reader, know what it is to be able to say, “I will fear no evil for Thou art with me”? To be in His hands who can speak peace to the wildest storm is a blessed reality. To be saved by Him who says, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee,” is to be assured of His constant presence. Do you know aught of this? If you were brought face to face with death on sea or land, could you count on the hand of Christ to lead you through “the valley of the shadow?”
I heard of one who a short time ago died in the night suddenly. She said to her husband, “I’m going to the better land,” and died. Taken away in a moment. If it had been you where would you be now? Suppose some night you awoke, and felt the hand of death upon you? Should you be ready? Are you saved? Has the light shone upon the darkness of your life?
I remember when coming home from Africa we could not see the sun for two or three days owing to the dense fog. The captain not being quite certain of his whereabouts, ordered the ship to be stopped; the lead was thrown overboard, and from the sand or gravel taken from the bed of the sea, he was enabled to discover our position. He ordered the engines to be driven again at “full speed ahead,” and soon we saw the light of the Eddystone shining on the waves, telling us where we were and guiding us in safety.
Do you know where you are going? Stand still now and see the salvation of the Lord. Examine your position from the word of God. Find out the way to go and then you will see the Light shining on the sea of life. “I am the Light of the world,” says Jesus. “Look unto me and be ye saved.”