THE finger-posts of heaven are much nearer the poor lost one, who stumbles about in the darknesss of his despair, than the self-righteous one who walks in his self-sufficiency.
SATAN preaches the same tale to the young child just passed through the gates of Life, as he does to the hoary sinner with one foot in the grave, and it is this, “There is plenty of time to think about your soul, plenty of time.”
ONE sin weighs as much in the balance of God’s justice as a million; we need a Saviour as much for the one as the other.
SATAN oftentimes leads sinners very near to the foot of the Cross; false religion is one of the most tempting paths to the lake of fire, and now-a-days, the most trodden.
THE heart that’s nearest Thee O God is farthest from the world.