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About This Product
Here you will find “songs of deliverance” with which a Savior-God compasses about His justified and hidden ones. Would that we were more filled with them! What shame that we should be more characterized by murmurings and complainings than by songs of triumph. Surely, if we would just ponder our mercies and blessings more deeply, our songs would be more abundant. Who have such reason to be glad as those who are justified by and perfectly hidden in God?
Table of Contents
2.Provision for Perilous Times
4.Jesus Girded
5.Absent From the Body: Part 1
6.Absent From the Body: Part 2
7.Three Grand Realities
8.Alone With Jesus
9.Malachi and Jude, The Closing Scenes of
10.Authority and Power
11.Obedience and Dependence
12.Have Faith in God
14.Word to Our Readers, A: The Authority of the Scriptures
15.Questions: and How to Meet Them
16.Dew of Hermon, The
17.Seal and the Earnest, The
18.Obedience: What Is It? and Are We Yielding It?
19.Sympathy and Grace of Jesus, The
20.Christ for the Heart and the Heart for Christ
21.Reconciliation: What is it?