Articles on

Jeremiah 30

Jer. 30:21 KJV (With Strong’s)

And their nobles
'addiyr (Hebrew #117)
wide or (generally) large; figuratively, powerful
KJV usage: excellent, famous, gallant, glorious, goodly, lordly, mighty(- ier one), noble, principal, worthy.
Pronounce: ad-deer'
Origin: from 142
shall be of themselves, and their governor
mashal (Hebrew #4910)
to rule
KJV usage: (have, make to have) dominion, governor, X indeed, reign, (bear, cause to, have) rule(-ing, -r), have power.
Pronounce: maw-shal'
Origin: a primitive root
m shall proceed
yatsa' (Hebrew #3318)
to go (causatively, bring) out, in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively, direct and proxim.
KJV usage: X after, appear, X assuredly, bear out, X begotten, break out, bring forth (out, up), carry out, come (abroad, out, thereat, without), + be condemned, depart(-ing, -ure), draw forth, in the end, escape, exact, fail, fall (out), fetch forth (out), get away (forth, hence, out), (able to, cause to, let) go abroad (forth, on, out), going out, grow, have forth (out), issue out, lay (lie) out, lead out, pluck out, proceed, pull out, put away, be risen, X scarce, send with commandment, shoot forth, spread, spring out, stand out, X still, X surely, take forth (out), at any time, X to (and fro), utter.
Pronounce: yaw-tsaw'
Origin: a primitive root
from the midst
qereb (Hebrew #7130)
properly, the nearest part, i.e. the center, whether literal, figurative or adverbial (especially with preposition)
KJV usage: X among, X before, bowels, X unto charge, + eat (up), X heart, X him, X in, inward (X -ly, part, -s, thought), midst, + out of, purtenance, X therein, X through, X within self.
Pronounce: keh'-reb
Origin: from 7126
of them; and I will cause himn to draw near
qarab (Hebrew #7126)
to approach (causatively, bring near) for whatever purpose
KJV usage: (cause to) approach, (cause to) bring (forth, near), (cause to) come (near, nigh), (cause to) draw near (nigh), go (near), be at hand, join, be near, offer, present, produce, make ready, stand, take.
Pronounce: kaw-rab'
Origin: a primitive root
, and he shall approach
nagash (Hebrew #5066)
to be or come (causatively, bring) near (for any purpose); euphemistically, to lie with a woman; as an enemy, to attack; relig. to worship; causatively, to present; figuratively, to adduce an argument; by reversal, to stand back
KJV usage: (make to) approach (nigh), bring (forth, hither, near), (cause to) come (hither, near, nigh), give place, go hard (up), (be, draw, go) near (nigh), offer, overtake, present, put, stand.
Pronounce: naw-gash'
Origin: a primitive root
unto me: for who is this that engaged
`arab (Hebrew #6148)
to braid, i.e. intermix; technically, to traffic (as if by barter); also or give to be security (as a kind of exchange)
KJV usage: engage, (inter-)meddle (with), mingle (self), mortgage, occupy, give pledges, be(-come, put in) surety, undertake.
Pronounce: aw-rab'
Origin: a primitive root
his heart
leb (Hebrew #3820)
the heart; also used (figuratively) very widely for the feelings, the will and even the intellect; likewise for the centre of anything
KJV usage: + care for, comfortably, consent, X considered, courag(-eous), friend(-ly), ((broken-), (hard-), (merry-), (stiff-), (stout-), double) heart((-ed)), X heed, X I, kindly, midst, mind(-ed), X regard((-ed)), X themselves, X unawares, understanding, X well, willingly, wisdom.
Pronounce: labe
Origin: a form of 3824
to approach
nagash (Hebrew #5066)
to be or come (causatively, bring) near (for any purpose); euphemistically, to lie with a woman; as an enemy, to attack; relig. to worship; causatively, to present; figuratively, to adduce an argument; by reversal, to stand back
KJV usage: (make to) approach (nigh), bring (forth, hither, near), (cause to) come (hither, near, nigh), give place, go hard (up), (be, draw, go) near (nigh), offer, overtake, present, put, stand.
Pronounce: naw-gash'
Origin: a primitive root
unto me? saith
n'um (Hebrew #5002)
an oracle
KJV usage: (hath) said, saith.
Pronounce: neh-oom'
Origin: from 5001
the Lord
Yhovah (Hebrew #3068)
(the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God
KJV usage: Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
Pronounce: yeh-ho-vaw'
Origin: from 1961

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Cross References

Jer. 23:5‑6• 5Behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, when I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, who shall reign as king, and act wisely, and shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land.
6In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell in safety; and this is his name whereby he shall be called, Jehovah our Righteousness.
(Jer. 23:5‑6)
Jer. 33:15• 15In those days, and at that time, will I cause a Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land. (Jer. 33:15)
Deut. 18:18• 18A prophet will I raise up unto them from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. (Deut. 18:18)
Deut. 33:5• 5And he was king in Jeshurun, When the heads of the people And the tribes of Israel were gathered together. (Deut. 33:5)
2 Sam. 7:13• 13It is he who shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever. (2 Sam. 7:13)
Psa. 89:29• 29And I will establish his seed for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. (Psa. 89:29)
Psa. 110:1‑4• 1Psalm of David. Jehovah said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I put thine enemies as footstool of thy feet.
2Jehovah shall send the sceptre of thy might out of Zion: rule in the midst of thine enemies.
3Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in holy splendour: from the womb of the morning shall come to thee the dew of thy youth.
4Jehovah hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art priest for ever after the order of Melchisedek.
(Psa. 110:1‑4)
Isa. 9:6‑7• 6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name is called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty *God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace.
7Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with judgment and with righteousness, from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of Jehovah of hosts will perform this.
(Isa. 9:6‑7)
Ezek. 34:23‑24• 23And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David: he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.
24And I Jehovah will be their God, and my servant David a prince in their midst: I Jehovah have spoken it.
(Ezek. 34:23‑24)
Ezek. 37:24• 24And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: and they shall walk in mine ordinances, and keep my statutes, and do them. (Ezek. 37:24)
Mic. 5:2‑4• 2(And thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, little to be among the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall he come forth unto me who is to be Ruler in Israel: whose goings forth are from of old, from the days of eternity.)
3Therefore will he give them up, until the time when she which travaileth shall have brought forth: and the residue of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel.
4And he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of Jehovah, in the majesty of the name of Jehovah his God. And they shall abide; for now shall he be great even unto the ends of the earth.
(Mic. 5:2‑4)
Zech. 9:9‑10• 9Rejoice greatly, daughter of Zion; shout, daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, thy King cometh to thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly and riding upon an ass, even upon a colt the foal of an ass.
10And I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem; and the battle-bow shall be cut off. And he shall speak peace unto the nations; and his dominion shall be from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth.
(Zech. 9:9‑10)
Matt. 2:2• 2Where is the king of the Jews that has been born? for we have seen his star in the east, and have come to do him homage. (Matt. 2:2)
Matt. 21:5‑11• 5Say to the daughter of Zion, Behold thy King cometh to thee, meek, and mounted upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.
6But the disciples, having gone and done as Jesus had ordered them,
7brought the ass and the colt and put their garments upon them, and he sat on them.
8But a very great crowd strewed their own garments on the way, and others kept cutting down branches from the trees and strewing them on the way.
9And the crowds who went before him and who followed cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed be he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest.
10And as he entered into Jerusalem, the whole city was moved, saying, Who is this?
11And the crowds said, This is Jesus the prophet who is from Nazareth of Galilee.
(Matt. 21:5‑11)
Matt. 27:37• 37And they set up over his head his accusation written: This is Jesus, the King of the Jews. (Matt. 27:37)
Mark 11:9‑10• 9And those going on before and those following cried out, Hosanna! blessed be he that comes in the Lord's name.
10Blessed be the coming kingdom of our father David. Hosanna in the highest!
(Mark 11:9‑10)
Luke 1:32‑33• 32*He* shall be great, and shall be called Son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give him the throne of David his father;
33and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for the ages, and of his kingdom there shall not be an end.
(Luke 1:32‑33)
John 18:36‑37• 36Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my servants had fought that I might not be delivered up to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from hence.
37Pilate therefore said to him, Thou art then a king? Jesus answered, Thou sayest it, that I am a king. I have been born for this, and for this I have come into the world, that I might bear witness to the truth. Every one that is of the truth hears my voice.
(John 18:36‑37)
John 19:19‑22• 19And Pilate wrote a title also and put it on the cross. But there was written: Jesus the Nazaraean, the King of the Jews.
20This title therefore many of the Jews read, for the place of the city where Jesus was crucified was near; and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, Latin.
21The chief priests of the Jews therefore said to Pilate, Do not write, The king of the Jews, but that *he* said, I am king of the Jews.
22Pilate answered, What I have written, I have written.
(John 19:19‑22)
Acts 2:34‑36• 34For David has not ascended into the heavens, but he says himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand
35until I have put thine enemies to be the footstool of thy feet.
36Let the whole house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God has made him, this Jesus whom *ye* have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
(Acts 2:34‑36)
Acts 5:31• 31Him has God exalted by his right hand as leader and saviour, to give repentance to Israel and remission of sins. (Acts 5:31)
Rev. 19:16• 16And he has upon his garment, and upon his thigh, a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords. (Rev. 19:16)
and I.
Num. 16:5,40• 5And he spoke to Korah and to all his band, saying, Even to-morrow will Jehovah make known who is his, and who is holy; and he will cause him to come near to him; and him whom he has chosen, him will he cause to come near to him.
40as a memorial to the children of Israel, that no stranger who is not of the seed of Aaron come near to burn incense before Jehovah, that he be not as Korah, and as his band,--as Jehovah had said to him through Moses.
(Num. 16:5,40)
Num. 17:12‑13• 12And the children of Israel spoke to Moses, saying, Lo, we expire, we perish, we all perish.
13Every one that comes at all near to the tabernacle of Jehovah shall die: shall we then expire altogether?
(Num. 17:12‑13)
Psa. 110:4• 4Jehovah hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art priest for ever after the order of Melchisedek. (Psa. 110:4)
Zech. 6:12‑13• 12and speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh Jehovah of hosts, saying, Behold a man whose name is the Branch; and he shall grow up from his own place, and he shall build the temple of Jehovah:
13even he shall build the temple of Jehovah; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.
(Zech. 6:12‑13)
Matt. 3:17• 17and behold, a voice out of the heavens saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I have found my delight. (Matt. 3:17)
Luke 24:26• 26Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory? (Luke 24:26)
Rom. 8:34• 34who is he that condemns? It is Christ who has died, but rather has been also raised up; who is also at the right hand of God; who also intercedes for us. (Rom. 8:34)
Heb. 1:3• 3who being the effulgence of his glory and the expression of his substance, and upholding all things by the word of his power, having made by himself the purification of sins, set himself down on the right hand of the greatness on high, (Heb. 1:3)
Heb. 4:14‑16• 14Having therefore a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast the confession.
15For we have not a high priest not able to sympathise with our infirmities, but tempted in all things in like manner, sin apart.
16Let us approach therefore with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and find grace for seasonable help.
(Heb. 4:14‑16)
Heb. 7:21‑26• 21(for they are become priests without the swearing of an oath, but he with the swearing of an oath, by him who said, as to him, The Lord has sworn, and will not repent of it, *Thou* art priest for ever according to the order of Melchisedec;)
22by so much Jesus became surety of a better covenant.
23And they have been many priests, on account of being hindered from continuing by death;
24but he, because of his continuing for ever, has the priesthood unchangeable.
25Whence also he is able to save completely those who approach by him to God, always living to intercede for them.
26For such a high priest became us, holy, harmless, undefiled, separated from sinners, and become higher than the heavens:
(Heb. 7:21‑26)
Heb. 9:15‑24• 15And for this reason he is mediator of a new covenant, so that, death having taken place for redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, the called might receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.
16(For where there is a testament, the death of the testator must needs come in.
17For a testament is of force when men are dead, since it is in no way of force while the testator is alive.)
18Whence neither the first was inaugurated without blood.
19For every commandment having been spoken according to the law by Moses to all the people; having taken the blood of calves and goats, with water and scarlet wool and hyssop, he sprinkled both the book itself and all the people,
20saying, This is the blood of the covenant which God has enjoined to you.
21And the tabernacle too and all the vessels of service he sprinkled in like manner with blood;
22and almost all things are purified with blood according to the law, and without blood-shedding there is no remission.
23It was necessary then that the figurative representations of the things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with sacrifices better than these.
24For the Christ is not entered into holy places made with hand, figures of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear before the face of God for us:
(Heb. 9:15‑24)
1 John 2:2• 2and *he* is the propitiation for our sins; but not for ours alone, but also for the whole world. (1 John 2:2)
Rev. 5:9‑10• 9And they sing a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open its seals; because thou hast been slain, and hast redeemed to God, by thy blood, out of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation,
10and made them to our God kings and priests; and they shall reign over the earth.
(Rev. 5:9‑10)

J. N. Darby Translation

And their princeh shall be of themselves, and their ruler shall proceed from the midst of them; and I will cause him to approach, and he shall draw near unto me. For who is this that engagethi his heart to draw near unto me? saith Jehovah.

JND Translation Notes

Translated "excellent," Ps. 8.1,9; "mightier," Ps. 93.4; "noble ones," ch. 25.34-36.
Or "pledgeth," as "surety," Gen. 44.32.