Lectures Introductory to the Acts, the Catholic Epistles, and the Revelation [Hardback]

Lectures Introductory to the Acts, the Catholic Epistles, and the Revelation by William Kelly
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600 pages
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About This Product

May the Lord grant that we may say, "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus;" that we may say it for ourselves, as for all the church, and, in a sense, for all creation too, the blessing of which depends on our being manifested along with Christ! Meanwhile, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints!

Preface- The third and concluding series of these Lectures, delivered in London between April 21 and May 14 of this year, and corrected from short-hand notes, is now in the mercy of God brought to a completion. It is hoped that they may serve as a stimulus and help to a comprehensive study of the scriptures surveyed. The inspired history of the church as planted of God here below, as well as of the characteristic ministry of the two great apostles who labored among the circumcision and the uncircumcision, here passes before us. This is followed by a sketch of the letters of James and of Peter, of John and of Jude. The whole is wound up by a summary view of the grand book of Christian prophecy, which discloses the consequences, under God’s government, of the ruin of Christendom up to the end, when God is all in all. May the reader be strengthened of the Spirit all the better to enjoy the rich pasture provided in the exhaustless depths of God’s own word!

Guernsey, December 4, 1869.

Table of Contents

1. Preface

2. Contents

3. Acts of the Apostles, Chaps. 1-7, The

4. Acts 1

5. Acts 2

6. Acts 3

7. Acts 4

8. Acts 5

9. Acts 6

10. Acts 7

11. Acts 8

12. Acts 9

13. Acts 10

14. Acts 11

15. Acts 12

16. Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 13-20, The: Introduction

17. Acts 13

18. Acts 14

19. Acts 15

20. Acts 16

21. Acts 17

22. Acts 18

23. Acts 19

24. Acts 20

25. Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 21-28, The: Introduction

26. Acts 21

27. Acts 22

28. Acts 23

29. Acts 24

30. Acts 25

31. Acts 26

32. Acts 27

33. James, The Epistle of: Introduction

34. James 1

35. James 2

36. James 3

37. James 4

38. James 5

39. Peter, The Epistles of: Introduction

40. 1 Peter 1

41. 1 Peter 2

42. 1 Peter 3

43. 1 Peter 4

44. 1 Peter 5

45. 2 Peter 1

46. 2 Peter 2

47. 2 Peter 3

48. John, The First Epistle of: Introduction

49. 1 John 1

50. 1 John 2

51. 1 John 3

52. 1 John 4

53. 1 John 5

54. John, The Second and Third Epistles of: Introduction

55. 2 John

56. 3 John

57. Jude

58. Revelation, Chapters 1-3: Introduction

59. Revelation 1

60. Revelation 2

61. Revelation 3

62. Revelation 4

63. Revelation: Chapters 4-11:18: Introduction

64. Revelation 5

65. Revelation 6

66. Revelation 7

67. Revelation 8

68. Revelation 9

69. Revelation 10

70. Revelation 11:1-18

71. Revelation, Chapters 11:19 - Ch. 16: Introduction

72. Revelation 11:19

73. Revelation 12

74. Revelation 13

75. Revelation 14

76. Revelation 15

77. Revelation 16

78. Revelation, Chapters 17-22: Introduction

79. Revelation 17

80. Revelation 18

81. Revelation 19

82. Revelation 20

83. Revelation 21

84. Revelation 22

85. Revelation 22:22: Appendix

86. 1 John 5:7-8, Appendix on


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Lectures Introductory to the Acts, the Catholic Epistles, and the Revelation by William Kelly
600 pages
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