Pamphlet, 10.5-Point Type
Note: The minimum quantity for this product with a custom imprint is 100.
About This Product
Samson had tremendous spiritual gift and a desire to serve the Lord but he went about serving God in his own way. Learn from Samson’s struggles before you squander the great spiritual wealth and privilege that your God has given to you.
You may have noticed the Lord’s hand in keeping you from bad companions or a marriage that would have sapped your spiritual strength. Samson had early advantages of spiritual separation, sacrifice and salvation from an unscriptural marriage. Learn to see God’s hand and thank Him for His provision.
Samson fell into immorality, lost his eyesight and dishonored God despite having a unique and valued gift and a privileged upbringing. Find out why these privileges must be accompanied by a practical holiness and daily communion. Great strength, honor and a position of responsibility will never keep us from sin. Samson did recover his strength and you’ll finish with an encouraging view of how God accomplished it. B. Anstey says, “Remember that falling down doesn’t make you a failure, but staying down does.”