Not for Me!: Free Coal [Brochure]

Not for Me!: Free Coal
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Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type
Page Size:
3.7" x 8.5"
6 pages
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Full Text of This Product

“He that hath no money: come ye, buy … without money and without price.” Isaiah 55:1

“Without money, and without price!" These are God’s terms when He offers to all the gift of eternal life. It is an amazing message of love! It is also amazing how so many people hesitate to accept God’s gift on God’s terms, as illustrated by this old true story:

A friend of the poor was often known to order a quarter of a ton of coal (“coals”) to be delivered to persons whom he knew to be in distress. The weather was very severe that winter. The snow was lying thick on the ground, and the kind donor rejoiced to think what warmth and comfort his gift would bring to many hearts and homes. So, he placed his orders with the coalman:

The coal cart drew up opposite a poor desolate-looking cottage; and the coalman knocked at the door, and told the old man within that he had brought him some coal.

"Who from?"

"Don't know," said the coalman, "but I was told to bring 'em here, and here they are."

"It's a mistake; they're not for me," answered the old man. "No such luck for me. I've no friend to send me coals for nothing."

"No? But they're for the man that lives by the dyke. Ain't that you?"

"That's me, sure enough; but there's a mistake; it's some other dyke, maybe."

"Nonsense, man; take 'em, and be thankful. I can't stay here all day talking!"

"Take 'em away then; they're not for me, and I won't have anything to do with 'em." And he shut the door with a bang, and returned to his desolate hearth. The cart rolled away, taking in it the gift that was intended for the old man.

The next day the same cart was seen drawn up opposite a low court in the town, and the same man, with a quarter of a ton of coal, was seen knocking at one of the doors.

"I've brought you some coals," he said cheerfully, "where shall I put 'em?"

"They're not for me," answered the man who opened the door; "you've made a mistake."

"It's no mistake," insisted the coalman. "See, here's the order, No. 24, quarter of a ton of coals. Now, that's clear, ain't it? "

"That's my number, certainly," replied the other, "but these coals ain't mine, and I can't take 'em in. They must be for someone else!"

"Well," said the man with the coals, scratching his head with a puzzled look, "these coals beat me; they're more trouble than enough. One would think I was bringing yer poison. Here comes a nice present of coals, and yer clean refuse to take 'em. But leave 'em I shall; for yesterday, I took 'em away from a house and got into trouble for it. So, if yer don't open yer cellar door, I shall chuck 'em down here by yer doorstep."

Thus pressed, the man at last opened his cellar door, saying, " You'll soon be back to fetch 'em, I guess, so I won't set too much store by 'em. But if they're for me, I'm sure I'm much obliged."

One more house in that court the coalman visited with his load, and knocking at the door, told the woman he has brought her some coal.

"For me?" she exclaimed, “oh, it can't be true, they must be for someone else."

"No, mum, here's your number, plain enough, No. 8, quarter of a ton of coals."

"So it is! Well, then, I suppose God has sent 'em to me, for no one else knows that the last bit of coal is on the fire now, and that I didn't know where to get any more. Bring them in. It must be God who has sent 'em, and I must thank Him."

"Perhaps you'd better," was the man's short answer; but to himself he added, "She’s the only sensible one of the lot; the rest are fools for their pains."

"Fools for their pains!” How many such fools there are in the world! “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. “The gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23

Yet, though God offers to each one the free gift of eternal life, we too often act like these poor cottagers with the coals. Some, like the old man, refuse it altogether. "It's not for me, take it elsewhere;" and they send away the messenger who brings the good news. Others, like the man at No. 24, are afraid to take the gift; and they need much persuasion and many invitations to induce them to believe that God’s good news is for them. "Come, for all things are now ready." Luke 14:17. "Take the water of life freely." Revelation 22:17. These loving words have to be repeated again and again.

But again, some, like the woman who had come to the end of her coals, having found out their need, just accept the gift of life eternal with a "thank you" to the giver of it. At first it seemed too good to be true, but when she saw the order with her own address, she believed and rejoiced. So, when first the good news of a free pardon through Christ reaches the heart of such an one, it seems too good to be true, but when he reads the words, “Whosoever will," and again, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" he hesitates no longer. That word sinner includes him; and so, feeling his poverty and need, he takes God at His word, accepts Christ Jesus as the free gift of God, and thanks Him for His great love in giving him such a Saviour.

Just as the coal was paid for by the donor; so our salvation has been bought with a price, even with the precious blood of the Son of God, "Who gave Himself a ransom for all." 1 Timothy 2:6.

Have you accepted this free gift, and if so, are you showing your gratitude by a life spent for the One who died in your place, for you?

(Also available as a gospel tract, BTP #9474)


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