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About This Product
Excerpt: Our being sealed with the Spirit is too important a point to allow it to settle down into the ambiguity and mist into which it is fallen in many souls. The Scripture is plain and positive on the subject, and it constitutes, not the foundation, but what is specifically characteristic, of the Christian state. Details and experiences as to it may require detailed inquiry, and sound and enlarged spiritual experience. But the presence, and as to the individual the indwelling, of the Holy Ghost, constitute Christianity, and the Christian state of the individual.
When John the Baptist proclaimed Christ to his disciples, he announced Him under two characters: "The Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world," and "He it is that baptiseth with the Holy Ghost," the last being evidenced by the Holy Ghost descending and abiding upon Christ Himself. All the fulness of the Godhead dwelt in Him bodily, but He as man, and He alone until redemption was accomplished, was sealed and anointed with the Holy Ghost — in His case a testimony to His own perfectness; "and John saw and bare record that he was the Son of God," John 1:29-34; Acts 10:19; John 6:27. So He was led of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. By the Spirit of God He cast out demons. By the eternal Spirit He offered Himself without spot to God. He spoke the words of God, for the Spirit was not given to Him by measure. If it was by resurrection He was declared Son of God with power, it was according to the Spirit of holiness.