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About This Product
Romans is a remarkable book! Paul brings out the gospel in its many facets much as a district attorney would present his case—building one “argument” on the preceding one, proving his case against the opposition. Some portions of Romans are easier to prove: the facts are self-evident. Other portions apply to everyday life of every new Christian and involve a spiritual struggle that needs to be learned both doctrinally and experimentally, that is, worked out in our lives.
Corydon Crain (1847–1925) concentrates on Romans 4–8 in this concise commentary on the book of Romans. These are the chapters that explain the truth as to faith, law, sin (the sinful nature), sins (the acts of sin) and how to be “delivered” (Rom.7:24) from the power of indwelling sin. How important is this knowledge! Without it, we will never be free and happy Christians who will be useful to the Master! Brother Crain clearly presents these truths in a way that Christians of all ages can understand and apply to their lives!
C. Crain ministered among North American assemblies for about 50 years. We trust you will profit from his written ministry as so many profited from his oral ministry!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction: The Son, Gospel, Pleas for Exemption from Judgment
Chapter 2: Inexcusable, the Jew and Circumcision
Chapter 3: None Righteous
Chapter 4: Justification by Faith: Faith’s Character
Chapter 5: Consequences of Justification
Chapter 6: The “Sin” Question
Chapter 7: The Miserable Man Who Seeks to Please God by Law
Chapter 8: Deliverance: The True Daily Walk in the Spirit
Chapter 9: The Place of Israel in Election
Chapter 10: Israel’s Way or God’s Way
Chapter 11: Judgment and Blessing for Gentiles and Jews
Chapter 12: The Practical Life of a Christian
Chapter 13: Our Relationship to Government and the World
Chapter 14: Interpersonal Dealings
Chapter 15: Weakness, not Willfulness
Chapter 16: Summary Comments and Salutations