Short Meditations on Elisha [Paperback]

Short Meditations on Elisha by John Gifford Bellett
Tract back page
Paperback, 10-Point Type
Page Size:
5" x 8" x 2.5"
90 pages
Price Each
Note: The minimum quantity for this product with a custom imprint is 100.

About This Product

The story of Elisha begins as he saw his older friend and mentor, Elijah, caught up to heaven without dying. He then became the premiere prophet of the revolting ten tribes, known as Israel. The Lord working though Elisha provided a starving lady with a continuous supply of oil, a son was raised from the dead, and iron ax head floated, Naaman the Syrian was healed of leprosy, God allowed Elisha to see a multitude of angels protecting him. Even in his death, after having been a prophet for about 60 years, when a dead man touched Elisha’s bones, he rose from the dead.

We are told that the Old Testament was written for our learning, and our brother Bellett constantly jumps from the account of Elisha to how alike the various accounts are of the Lord Jesus or something past or future concerning Him. Other accounts show our own hearts, that we may learn what God loves and hates in the lives of His people. These are soul searching matters!

The book definitely requires you to read, for maximum benefit, the few verses or Bible chapters indicated at the beginning of each chapter of this book. Please do so!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Translation of Elijah, The

3.Waters of Jericho Healed, The

4. Judgment of the Scoffing Children, The

5. Armies of the Kings Supplied with Water, The

6. Widow's Oil Multiplied, The

7. Shunammite, The

8. Deadly Pottage Healed, The

9. Multitude Fed, The

10. Naaman the Syrian

11. Iron Made to Swim, The

12. Syrian Host Struck Blind, The

13. Famine in Samaria, The

14. Shunammite Again, The

15. Prophecy Upon Hazael, The

16. Anointing of Jehu, The

17. Joash King of Judah

18. Joash, King of Israel, and the Arrows

19. Dead Man Quickened, The

20. Conclusion

