Synopsis of the Books of the Bible: New Edition [Hardback]

Synopsis of the Books of the Bible: New Edition by John Nelson Darby
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Volume 1, Genesis-2 Chronicles, Hardback
532 pages
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About This Product

A superb survey. Black and ivory bindings.

From the Preface: A few words only are needed to introduce the reader to the present publication. He is not to expect a commentary, nor, on the other hand, to suppose that he has a book which he can read without referring continually to the Word itself in the part treated of. The object of the book is to help a Christian, desirous of reading the Word of God with profit, in seizing the scope and connection of that which it contains. Though a commentary may doubtless aid the reader in many passages in which God has given to the commentator to understand, in the main, the intention of the Spirit of God, or to furnish linguistic principles and information which facilitate to another the discovery of that intention, yet if it pretend to give the contents of Scripture, or if he who uses it seeks this in its remarks, such commentary can only mislead and impoverish the soul. A commentary, even if always right, can at most give what the commentator has himself learned from the passage. The fullest and wisest must be very far indeed from the living fullness of the divine Word. The Synopsis now presented has no pretension of the kind. Deeply convinced of the divine inspiration of the Scriptures, given to us of God, and confirmed in this conviction by daily and growing discoveries of their fullness, depth, and perfectness, ever more sensible, through grace, of the admirable perfection of the parts and the wonderful connection of the whole, the writer only hopes to help the reader in the study of them.

The Scriptures have a living source, and living power has pervaded their composition: hence their infiniteness of bearing, and the impossibility of separating any one part from its connection with the whole, because one God is the living center from which all flows; one Christ, the living center around which all its truth circles, and to which it refers, though in various glory; and one Spirit, the divine sap which carries its power from its source in God to the minutest branches of the all-united truth, testifying of the glory, the grace, and the truth of Him whom God sets forth as the object and center and head of all that is in connection with Himself, of Him who is, withal, God over all, blessed forevermore.

Table of Contents

1.       Preface

2.       Introduction

3.       Genesis

4.       Exodus

5.       Leviticus

6.       Numbers

7.       Deuteronomy

8.       Joshua

9.       Judges

10.   Ruth

11.   1 Samuel

12.   2 Samuel

13.   1 Kings

14.   2 Kings

15.   1 Chronicles

16.   2 Chronicles



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Synopsis of the Books of the Bible: New Edition by John Nelson Darby
5-Volume Set, Deluxe Hardback, 10.5-Point Type
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5.4" x 8.4"
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Volume 1, Genesis-2 Chronicles, Epub Ebook, Available Online Only: $2.99
Synopsis of the Books of the Bible: New Edition by John Nelson Darby
Volume 1, Genesis-2 Chronicles, Epub Ebook, Available Online Only
532 pages