Paperback, Large Print, 12-Point Type
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About This Product
Hope’s doll was made of cloth and stuffed with kernels of dried corn, but although it was not a beautiful doll, Hope loved it dearly.
One day Hope and her brother James quarreled, and in anger James grabbed Hope’s doll. When no one was watching, he buried it deep in the soft ground at the end of the garden. “There,” he said to himself, “nobody will ever know what happened to it.”
The Doll That Grew is just the first in this series of twenty-three gospel stories for children. Margaret Jean Tuininga has woven the story of the gospel of God’s grace skillfully and clearly into each story. The companion volumes, Lost in the Woods and Face to Face With Lions, each contain further exciting stories especially suited to children in the four- to ten-year-old age group.
Table of Contents
1.Doll That Grew!, The
2.Sandy’s Rescue
3.Fritz, and the Prairie Fire!
4.Phone Call From Daddy!, A
5.What Dan Feared!
7.Stolen Candy Eggs, The
8.Wild Rabbit, The
9.Squirrel's Bridge, The
10.Before the Storm
11."The Bible Tells Me So!"
12.Serious Mistake!, A
13.Weasel and the Owl, The
14.Just Out of Reach
15."Lost and Found!"
16.The Wrong Remedy!
17.How Mother Caught the Mouse!
18.Why Louise Was Sorry
19.Kitten and the Snake, The
20.Afraid of the Dark
21.Adopted Puppy, The
22.Little "Nuisance"!
23.Just an Old Scarecrow?