Kivar Paperback, 9.5-Point Type
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About This Product
The Feasts of Jehovah bring before us the whole outline of the dealings of God with His people on earth, though not, of course, in detail.
Excerpt- It is not the same principle which we find in the Lord's day, for this is the intervention of divine power in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, after He had gone down into death to make propitiation for, our sins and reconcile us and all things to God. Consequently, the Lord's day is an excellent day for spiritual toil, for the work of faith and the labor of love and no one acquainted with Christ, would think it wrong, if able, to preach a dozen sermons on that day, nor to take a dozen sabbath-day's journeys to preach them. Were it the sabbath-day, he could not do so lightly. Thus, they have a wholly different character. The source, nature, and end of the Lord's day is marked out by grace in the resurrection of Christ from the dead, as the Sabbath is by, creation and the law of God.
It seemed good to the Lord then, and it is necessary for man, that there should be first the great truth of the sabbath set forth before we enter on the ways of God. Before He accomplished the mighty work, He hung out clearly and distinctly this initiatory pledge of rest at the end. I am coming to have My rest, He says, but not to have it alone; you shall share it in glory with Me. The sabbath is to be fulfilled in a day yet to come; and that both for heaven and earth. But the rest is after all work is done, whether in type or in anti-type.
Table of Contents
1. Feasts of Jehovah: the Sabbath, The
2. Feasts of Jehovah: the Passover and the Unleavened Bread, The
3. Feasts of Jehovah: the Wave-Sheaf and the Wave Loaves, The
4. Feasts of Jehovah: the Wave Loaves or Feasts of Weeks, The
5. Feasts of Jehovah: the Feasts of the Future and the Feast of Trumpets, The
6. Feasts of Jehovah: the Day of Atonement, The
7. Feasts of Jehovah: the Feast of Tabernacles, The