The Kingly One: Bible Talks on Matthew [Paperback]

The Kingly One: Bible Talks on Matthew by Sidney (Sid) Gill
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258 pages
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About This Product

These papers appeared originally in the Messages of God’s Love periodical and were intended to help young believers. These simple expressions of deep, divine truth have just as much value today as when they were written. We have made a significant effort to edit the material to be closer to today’s style of speech, building on the base of clear and simple thoughts expressed by the author.

Each chapter is short and can be read by the average reader in 2‑3 minutes. The simple style allows you to focus on the message and not on trying to understand complicated sentences or thoughts.

Every chapter is tied to a portion of Matthew’s Gospel working its way from the first to last chapter. Don’t expect to find each Bible passage to be the same length. However the majority are short passages that don’t exceed twenty verses. The comments are by no means exhaustive, but rather supplement a reading of God’s word with helpful thoughts.

Every chapter ends with a section meant to encourage further meditation. Generally, the first question in this section reviews a point made in the chapter. The second gives some direction in meditating more on the passage. Usually the final point provides a suggestion for another resource that would help develop an important theme of the chapter in greater depth.

This is the second volume in the Bible Talks series with several more planned this year. You can enjoy The Servant’s Heart: Bible Talks on Mark and The Divine Son: Bible Talks on John currently and in the first half of next year, Lord willing, a volume on Exodus by Gordon Hayhoe.

Table of Contents

1. Preface

2. Gospels: Introduction, The

3. Matthew 1, Our Lord’s Birth:

4. Matthew 2:1-6, The Star:

5. Matthew 2:7-15, Worshipping Wise Men:

6. Matthew 3:7-17, Baptism:

7. Matthew 4:1-4, Dependence on God:

8. Matthew 4:5-10, Temptation:

9. Matthew 4:11-22, Fruit of Victory:

10. Matthew 5:13-16, Salt and Light:

11. Matthew 6:1-18, Prayer:

12. Matthew 6:19-34, Your Father Knows:

13. Matthew 7:1-14, Pearls:

14. Matthew 7:15-29, False Professors:

15. Matthew 8:1-4, A Healed Leper:

16. Matthew 8:5-18, The Healer:

17. Matthew 8:19-34, Following Whom?

18. Matthew 9:1-13, The Deliverer:

19. Matthew 9:14-26, The New Wine of Grace:

20. Matthew 9:27-10:15, Compassion for Lost Sheep:

21. Matthew 10:16-42, Persecution:

22. Matthew 11:1-15, The Kingdom:

23. Matthew 11:16-27, Rejection:

24. Matthew 11:28-12:8, The Sabbath:

25. Matthew 12:9-37, Dried-up Souls:

26. Matthew 12:38-50, New Relationships:

27. Matthew 13:1-4, A New Way:

28. Matthew 13:5-30, Sowers:

29. Matthew 13:31-39, Mustard Seed, Leaven and Tares:

30. Matthew 13:40-44, Tares and Treasure:

31. Matthew 13:45-50, The Pearl and the Net:

32. Matthew 13:51-14:12, Further Rejection:

33. Matthew 14:13-21, Feeding the Multitude:

34. Matthew 14:22-36, The Storm:

35. Matthew 15:1-20, Traditions of Men:

36. Matthew 15:21-39, Children and Dogs:

37. Matthew 16:1-17, The Son of the Living God:

38. Matthew 16:18-23, Confession and Confusion:

39. Matthew 16:24-17:3, Transfiguration:

40. Matthew 17:4-9, The First Place for Christ:

41. Matthew 17:10-27, Faith in Christ:

42. Matthew 18:1-17, Offense and Trespass:

43. Matthew 18:18-35, Forgiveness:

44. Matthew 19:1-22, The Perfect Teacher:

45. Matthew 19:22-30, Riches and Rewards:

46. Matthew 20:1-29, Future Reward:

47. Matthew 20:30-21:11, Beggars and a Donkey:

48. Matthew 21:12-27, Hypocrisy:

49. Matthew 21:28-46, Wicked Husbandmen:

50. Matthew 22:1-14, Grace:

51. Matthew 22:15-46, Crafty Questions:

52. Matthew 23:1-24:2, Coming Destruction:

53. Matthew 24:3-28, The Olivet Discourse:

54. Matthew 24:28-51, Judgment:

55. Matthew 25:1-10, Ten Virgins:

56. Matthew 25:11-46, The Gospel of the Kingdom:

57. Matthew 26:1-16, Hatred for Christ:

58. Matthew 26:17-30, The Passover and the Lord’s Supper:

59. Matthew 26:31-46, Gethsemane:

60. Matthew 26:47-68, Betrayal:

61. Matthew 26:69-27:23, Denial and Trial:

62. Matthew 27:24-44, Golgotha:

63. Matthew 27:45-66, Death and Burial:

64. Matthew 28, Resurrection:


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The Kingly One: Bible Talks on Matthew by Sidney (Sid) Gill
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258 pages