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About This Product
This little paper has been written with the desire to help anxious souls, for the Lord would have us know and enjoy our full salvation.
We are told in Rom. 8:23 that we must wait for the redemption of our bodies, which is at the Lord's coming, but we can rejoice in the present knowledge that God has put away our sins through the precious blood of Christ, and also in what He has done about that fallen nature in us (called the "old man").
The more one desires to please the Lord, the greater will be the conflict within, until we, like Israel of old, "stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." Every spiritual blessing is a gift, not attained by our own efforts. It is the knowledge of His love and of what He has done for us that constrains us to live unto Him.
"The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Rom. 8:16.