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About This Product
This tender little booklet is a collection of jewels mined in the dark, but how it sparkles in the light! Someone wrote:
“Suffering is so universal, so staggering in its magnitude, the world so unjust, so unsatisfying, life so short and time so fleeting, it seems as if this earthly life was never intended by God to be a place where human happiness could find its fruition.”
But this is the place where, by trials, we can be matured and sweetened to prepare us for our heavenly home. Mrs. Elliott takes us on a journey along the path of divine comfort and shows us the way.
Table of Contents
1. The Value of Trials
2. For God’s Glory
3. For Our Good
4. To Prove the Sufficiency of His Grace
5. To Sympathize with Others
6. To Prepare Us to Reign with Christ
7. A Proof of God’s Love
8. In Drawing Us to Prayer
9. In Drawing Us to His Word for Comfort
10. A Test of Faith
11. Our Attitude to Trials