Pamphlet, 10.5-Point Type
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Introduction: This meeting has been announced as a meeting for families, and I hope that the brethren will bear with me while I speak particularly, perhaps, to the sisters: because, I believe that they have so much to do with family life.
I would like to look first at Proverbs, chapter 14, and verse 26: "In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and His children shall have a place of refuge."
Well, I was just thinking, brethren, of this verse and of how it brings together two things so unnaturally brought together: "fear," and "confidence." We think of fear as being the very opposite of confidence, but it is very precious to see that when there is the fear of God, then, there can be a confidence in His goodness. Fear, because we have no wisdom or strength in ourselves; but confidence, because we know that the Lord has said: "My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness" (2'd Corinthians 12:9). And so, the Lord will help us when we are thoroughly cast upon Him—when there is no confidence in self. The Scripture says that we are to have no confidence in the flesh (Philippians 3:3), but we can have that confidence in the Lord. Then, it ends with that beautiful expression: "His children shall have a place of refuge." Why do we need a refuge? Well, because there are storms; because there are difficulties; and so, "His children shall have a place of refuge."