Articles on

Acts 5

Acts 5:32 KJV (With Strong’s)

ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
hemeis (Greek #2249)
we (only used when emphatic)
KJV usage: us, we (ourselves).
Pronounce: hay-mice'
Origin: nominative plural of 1473
esmen (Greek #2070)
we are
KJV usage: are, be, have our being, X have hope, + (the gospel) was (preached unto) us.
Pronounce: es-men'
Origin: first person plural indicative of 1510
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
martus (Greek #3144)
a witness (literally (judicially) or figuratively (genitive case)); by analogy, a "martyr"
KJV usage: martyr, record, witness.
Pronounce: mar'-toos
Origin: of uncertain affinity
q of
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
rhema (Greek #4487)
an utterance (individually, collectively or specially),; by implication, a matter or topic (especially of narration, command or dispute); with a negative naught whatever
KJV usage: + evil, + nothing, saying, word.
Pronounce: hray'-mah
Origin: from 4483
touton (Greek #5130)
of (from or concerning) these (persons or things)
KJV usage: such, their, these (things), they, this sort, those.
Pronounce: too'-tone
Origin: genitive case plural masculine or neuter of 3778
rhema (Greek #4487)
an utterance (individually, collectively or specially),; by implication, a matter or topic (especially of narration, command or dispute); with a negative naught whatever
KJV usage: + evil, + nothing, saying, word.
Pronounce: hray'-mah
Origin: from 4483
; and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
so is also
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
pneuma (Greek #4151)
a current of air, i.e. breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ's spirit, the Holy Spirit
KJV usage: ghost, life, spirit(-ual, -ually), mind. Compare 5590.
Pronounce: pnyoo'-mah
Origin: from 4154
hagios (Greek #40)
sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially, consecrated)
KJV usage: (most) holy (one, thing), saint.
Pronounce: hag'-ee-os
Origin: from ἅγος (an awful thing) (compare 53, 2282)
pneuma (Greek #4151)
a current of air, i.e. breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ's spirit, the Holy Spirit
KJV usage: ghost, life, spirit(-ual, -ually), mind. Compare 5590.
Pronounce: pnyoo'-mah
Origin: from 4154
r, whom
hos (Greek #3739)
the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that
KJV usage: one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc. See also 3757.
Pronounce: hos
Origin: ἥ (hay), and neuter ὅ (ho) probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588)
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
theos (Greek #2316)
a deity, especially (with 3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively, a magistrate; by Hebraism, very
KJV usage: X exceeding, God, god(-ly, -ward).
Pronounce: theh'-os
Origin: of uncertain affinity
hath given
didomi (Greek #1325)
to give (used in a very wide application, properly, or by implication, literally or figuratively; greatly modified by the connection)
KJV usage: adventure, bestow, bring forth, commit, deliver (up), give, grant, hinder, make, minister, number, offer, have power, put, receive, set, shew, smite (+ with the hand), strike (+ with the palm of the hand), suffer, take, utter, yield.
Pronounce: did'-o-mee
Origin: a prolonged form of a primary verb (which is used as an alternative in most of the tenses)
to them
peitharcheo (Greek #3980)
to be persuaded by a ruler, i.e. (genitive case) to submit to authority; by analogy, to conform to advice
KJV usage: hearken, obey (magistrates).
Pronounce: pi-tharkh-eh'-o
Origin: from a compound of 3982 and 757
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
peitharcheo (Greek #3980)
to be persuaded by a ruler, i.e. (genitive case) to submit to authority; by analogy, to conform to advice
KJV usage: hearken, obey (magistrates).
Pronounce: pi-tharkh-eh'-o
Origin: from a compound of 3982 and 757
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)

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Cross References


Ministry on This Verse

Acts 5:29• 29And in answer Peter and the apostles said, Obedience must be to God rather than men. (Acts 5:29)
Acts 1:8• 8But ye shall receive power at the coming of the Holy Spirit upon you; and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and unto the end of the earth. (Acts 1:8)
Acts 2:32• 32This Jesus did God raise up whereof all we are witnesses. (Acts 2:32)
Acts 10:39‑41• 39And we [are] c witnesses of all things which he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom also d they slew hanging [him] on a tree,
40him God raised on the third day and gave him to be manifest
41not to all the people, but to witnesses that were chosen before by God, to us which ate and drank with him, after he rose from [the] dead.
(Acts 10:39‑41)
Acts 13:31• 31and he appeared for many days to those that came up with him from Galilee unto Jerusalem, the which are now his witnesses unto the people. (Acts 13:31)
Luke 24:47‑48• 47and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all the Gentiles beginning at Jerusalem.
48Ye are witnesses of these things.
(Luke 24:47‑48)
John 15:27• 27and ye too testify, because ye are with me from [the] beginning. (John 15:27)
2 Cor. 13:1• 1This third [time] I am coming unto you. At [the] mouth of two witnesses and three shall every word be established. (2 Cor. 13:1)
Heb. 2:3• 3how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation, which, having begun to be spoken by the Lord, was confirmed unto us by those that heard, (Heb. 2:3)
and so.
John 15:26• 26[But] when the Paraclete shall have come, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceedeth out from the Father, he shall testify concerning me; (John 15:26)
John 16:7‑14• 7Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is profitable for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Paraclete will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
8And when come, he will convince the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
9of sin, because they believe not on me;
10of righteousness, because I go unto my Father, and ye behold me no more;
11of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
12I have yet many things to say to you, but ye cannot bear [them] now.
13Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, shall have come, he will guide you in all the truth; for he will not speak from himself, but whatever he shall hear he will speak; and he will announce to you the things to come.
14He will glorify me, for he will receive of mine, and will announce [it] to you.
(John 16:7‑14)
Heb. 2:4• 4God joining witness with both signs and wonders, and various powers, and distributions of the Holy Spirit according to his will. (Heb. 2:4)
1 Peter 1:12• 12To whom it was revealed that not to themselves but to you they were ministering the very things which have now been announced to you through those that brought you glad tidings by [the] Holy Spirit sent forth from heaven; which things angels desire to look into. (1 Peter 1:12)
 Peter, in the name of the apostles, formally takes it on the part of God and of Christ, and in agreement with the seal of the Holy Spirit, who, given to believers, bore witness in the Saviour’s name. Nevertheless there is no pride, no self-will. He must obey God. (Acts 5 by J.N. Darby)
 And this blessed Spirit, who wrought mightily in the apostles and others set high in the assembly, is given of God to those who submit to the authority of the heavenly Leader. Such is the full force of the peculiar word “obey” employed here. (Acts 5:21-32 by W. Kelly)

J. N. Darby Translation

And *we* are his witnesses of these things, and the Holy Spirit also, which God has given to those that obey him.

W. Kelly Translation

And we are [hisa] witnesses of these thingsb and the Holy Spirit whom God gave to those that obey him.

WK Translation Notes

The greater copies exclude "his"; but the strange reading of one MS. rather strengthens the mass in holding to it.
Lit., "words."