Answers to Correspondents: Volume 2, From Things New and Old 1864-1866 [Paperback]

Answers to Correspondents: Volume 2, From Things New and Old 1864-1866 by Charles Henry Mackintosh
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Kivar Paperback, 10-Point Type
Page Size:
4.1" x 6.5' x .45"
192 pages
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About This Product

Discover 135 concise answers to a fascinating diverse collection of questions written in C. H. Mackintosh’s heart-warming, conscience-stirring style. You’ll find helpful little pieces on Sunday Schools, Confession, The Heart’s Treasure, Debt, the Head Covering and more than a hundred more topics.  This is a good book to keep in your “reading room” and pick up and use to fill up the little moments that otherwise might slip through your fingers. You’ll find this to be easier reading for your more tired moments.

Table of Contents

1.1. Chastening

2.2. Sisters at Bible Readings

3.3. Judas at the Lord's Table

4.4. Union With Christ

5.5. The Judgment

6.6. The Power of Godliness

7.7. Card Playing

8.8. 1 Cor. 15:22

9.9. Perfect Love and Its Outflowings

10.10. Under the Sun

11.11. Spirits in Prison

12.12. The Unconverted Husband

13.13. Faith

14.14. A Good Conscience

15.15. Almsgiving

16.16. Treasures in Heaven

17.17. Seeking the Kingdom of God

18.18. On Taking an Oath

19.19. The Angel of the Church

20.20. Heb. 6.

21.21. The Church's Place

22.22. Simon Magus

23.23. Walking in the Light

24.24. The Gospel

25.25. Discipline and Government

26.26. John 15

27.27. Stopping Short

28.28. Gentiles Under Law

29.29. What Is My Motive

30.30. The Call to the Ministry

31.31. The Greater Works.

32.32. Infant Salvation

33.33. The Utterance of Faith

34.34. The Saints' Rapture

35.35. The House of Rimmon

36.36. Life More Abundantly

37.37. Restoration

38.38. The Unjust Steward

39.39. Woman's Covering

40.40. First Resurrection

41.41. The Lamb's Wife

42.42. The Particular Resurrection

43.43. Dispensational Position

44.44. Free Salvation

45.45. Women Preaching

46.46. The Cleansing Word

47.47. Addressing the Lord Jesus

48.48. The Friends of Jesus

49.49. The Beast of Revelation

50.50. The Church Under Responsibility

51.51. Modest Apparel

52.52. The Cup Which We Bless

53.53. Not Under Law

54.54. Laying up for the Future

55.55. God or Man

56.56. The Sample Kingdom

57.57. Christians and Politics

58.58. Observing of Days

59.59. Preaching Christ

60.60. Christ or Doctrines

61.61. The Heart's Treasure

62.62. Man's Weakness

63.63. Heart, Not Attitude, in Worship

64.64. Confession

65.65. 1 John 5:7, 8

66.66. Exhibitions

67.67. All Welcome

68.68. Children

69.69. The Mode of Marrying

70.70. John 6:50

71.71. Intoxicating Wine at the Lord's Supper

72.72. On Giving Out of Hymns

73.73. Heb. 12:2

74.74. The Unequal Yoke

75.75. Stimulants

76.76. Dress, Etc.

77.77. So Let Him Eat.

78.78. Women's Preaching

79.79. Sunday Schools

80.80. Helping Others in Evil

81.81. Satan's Power

82.82. Christ's Intercession

83.83. Lawful Business

84.84. The Wine Used at the Lord's Table

85.85. The Lord's Table

86.86. Personal Adorning

87.87. Parish Relief

88.88. Going to Law

89.89. Eating Unworthily

90.90. The Church's Commencement

91.91. The Wedding Garment

92.92. Christ the Center

93.93. One Fine Star

94.94. Nature's Strength

95.95. The Warning Voice

96.96. Things Which Differ

97.97. Fellowship in Almsgiving

98.98. God Our Strength

99.99. Evil Thoughts

100.100. Christ or Feelings

101.101. Working and Preaching

102.102. The Lord's Day

103.103. Christians in Debt

104.104. Lawful Business

105.105. The Divisions in The Revelation

106.106. The First and Second Man

107.107. As Oft As Ye Eat

108.108. Clubs

109.109. Photography

110.110. Self-Judgment

111.111. Backbiting

112.112. Ministerial Training

113.113. 1 John 4:17

114.114. Rev. 5:10

115.115. 1 Cor. 11:23

116.116. Upright Dealing

117.117. Added to the Church of God

118.118. Eternal Punishment.

119.119. Do All to the Glory of God

120.120. Rev. 11:2

121.121. Rom. 1:18

122.122. Trying to Believe.

123.123. The Wrath to Come

124.124. 1 Cor. 14:32

125.125. The Foolish Virgins

126.126. Sin and Transgression

127.127. John 6

128.128. 1 Cor. 3:17

129.129. 1 Cor. 5:11

130.130. Self-Judgment

131.131. Attitude in Prayer and Praise

132.132. The Man Christ Jesus

133.133. Zipporah a Type of the Church



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