Paperback, 9.5-Point Type
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About This Product
Covering: The Authority and Inspiration of the Bible, The Creation and Fall of Man, Propitiation/Atonement/Substitution, Resurrection/Eternal Glory/Eternal Punishment, The Present Work and Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, etc.
Table of Contents
1.Inspiration and Authority of the Bible, The
2.Deity and Humanity of Christ, The
3.Creation, and The Fall of Man
4.Atonement: Its Meaning and True Character
5.Propitiation and Substitution
6.Resurrection and Glory
7.Future Punishment: Its Character and Duration
8.Work and Indwelling of the Spirit of God, The
9.Last Adam - The Second Man, The
10.Fatherhood and Sonship
11.Believer's Present Position on Earth, and Christ's Present Service in Heaven, The
12.Second Advent: The Day of Redemption, The
13.Summary and Conclusion