Rebuilding Zion: An Exposition of the Books of the Exile [Paperback]

Rebuilding Zion: An Exposition of the Books of the Exile by Frank Binford Hole
Tract back page
Paperback, Large Print, 11.5-Point Type
Page Size:
8.5" x 5.5" x .5"
222 pages
Price Each
Note: The minimum quantity for this product with a custom imprint is 100.

About This Product

From the Introduction- In that day the long-lost diadem, brilliant then, not only with the gems of creation, but with the brighter jewels of redemption, will be seen upon the head of the once rejected Man of Nazareth, our adorable Lord Jesus. Thence it will never be removed for though at the end of the thousand years of His righteous reign there will be the rebellion engineered by a released Satan, as foretold in Revelation 20:7-10, this uprising will be instantly crushed, so that it never will become an overturning. Upon His sacred brow the diadem will have found its permanent, its eternal resting-place.

In view of these things what shall we say? Let us in the first place not be disturbed in mind, as we view the unrest and the spirit of upheaval which fills the earth today. Let us rather be concerned that we keep flying the flag of true testimony to Christ, and the Gospel which is centered in Him. God does not vary His plan of action as men invariably have to do. The instructions given by our Lord at the outset still stand good—the Holy Spirit has come and we follow the first disciples, as He said, “ye shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts 1:8).

Then further, let us not join hands with the world nor aid its schemes and movements, which, though they may not know it, are paving the way for Antichrist. Let us abide in communion with the Father and the Son, when our attitude towards the men of the world will be as the Scripture directs: we shall, as much as lies in us, “live peaceably with all men,” and instead of being overcome of evil, “overcome evil with good” (Rom. 15:18,21).

Lastly, we shall treasure in our hearts the thought that all the unrest and overturning is only, “until He come.” Shall we not turn our eyes toward the sun-rising of that long-looked for day, and say, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

Table of Contents

1. Lost Diadem, The

2. Daniel

3. Daniel 1

4. Daniel 2

5. Daniel 3

6. Daniel 4

7. Daniel 5

8. Daniel 6

9. Daniel 7

10. Daniel 8

11. Daniel 9

12. Daniel 10

13. Daniel 11

14. Daniel 12

15. Ezra 1

16. Ezra 2

17. Ezra 3

18. Ezra 4

19. Ezra 5

20. Ezra 6

21. Ezra 7

22. Ezra 8

23. Ezra 9

24. Ezra 10

25. Nehemiah 1

26. Nehemiah 2

27. Nehemiah 3

28. Nehemiah 4

29. Nehemiah 5

30. Nehemiah 6

31. Nehemiah 7

32. Nehemiah 8

33. Nehemiah 9-10

34. Nehemiah 11

35. Nehemiah 12

36. Nehemiah 13

37. Haggai: Introduction

38. Haggai 1

39. Haggai 2

40. Zechariah 1

41. Zechariah 2

42. Zechariah 3

43. Zechariah 4

44. Zechariah 5

45. Zechariah 6

46. Zechariah 7

47. Zechariah 8

48. Zechariah 9

49. Zechariah 10

50. Zechariah 11

51. Zechariah 12

52. Zechariah 13

53. Zechariah 14

54. Malachi 1

55. Malachi 2

56. Malachi 3

57. Malachi 4
