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More than a Friend
Many years ago in one of the Southern states, a man was seen decking a soldier’s grave with flowers. A stranger observing him sympathetically asked if his son were buried there.
“No,” was the reply.
“A brother?”
“Some other relative?”
“Whose memory, then, do you so tenderly cherish?”
Pausing a moment from emotion, he replied, “When the war broke out, I was drafted into the army, and since I was unable to get a substitute, I prepared to go. Just as I was leaving home to report for duty, a young man whom I knew came to me and said, ‘You have a large family, whom your wife cannot support when you are gone. I am a single man and have no one depending upon me — I will go for you.’ He went.
“In the battle of Chickamauga my friend was dangerously wounded, died and was buried here. Ever since his death, I have wanted to visit this place, and, having saved enough money, I arrived yesterday and today have found his grave.”
The touching story concluded, he planted the rest of the flowers. Then taking a board, he inserted it at the foot of the grave. On it were written these simple words: “He Died for Me.”
I know your heart is touched when you think of that noble fellow’s generous, self-sacrificing love for his friend. Isn’t it touched when you think of One who died for you? Is that deed forgotten and not one loving, grateful thought given to His dear memory? As that soldier died to save his friend, so truly did Jesus die for you — yes, far more so. The soldier might have returned safely, but Jesus knew He went to death for you.
And how have you treated Him? He knew you didn’t love Him, or even care for your own soul, but He saw you would be lost, so He gave Himself up to suffer in your place. You have shed no tears for Him, nor experienced one loving feeling.
Perhaps you think that because He was the Son of God, He could feel no pain or grief! Listen! He said, “My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death” (Matthew 26:38). “If it be possible, let this cup pass from Me” (Matthew 26:39).
For three long hours He suffered in agony on the cross while a mocking crowd stood around Him. Then during those last three hours of darkness, hidden from the eyes of men and shut out from God, He bore the storm of divine judgment against sin (for all those who put their trust in Him). The mighty waves of God’s wrath flowed over His holy soul, till at the close He could say, “It is finished” (John 19:30), and then He died. All this — for you!
Now the risen and glorified Saviour in heaven, His voice speaks to your heart, saying, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).