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Full text of Faith or Feeling?
“If I could only feel saved,” an officer said to me, when I told him that the Lord Jesus had done enough to save his soul.
“But,” I said, “you do not have to feel saved; just believe. Your salvation doesn’t depend on your feelings. I believed in Christ for about two weeks before I knew that I was saved. I might have known it at once, only I was waiting to feel saved.
“At last I said, ‘Well, if I don’t feel saved until I find myself in heaven, still I’ll rest only on the Word of God.’ God has said in His Word, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life” (John 3:36). I know that I do believe in Christ. “Then the thought entered my mind, Do you feel you have everlasting life? I couldn’t say I felt it. Then you can’t have it was the next thought.”
“I remembered, God says, ‘He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. ’ I knew that I really believed in Christ, therefore I had everlasting life, whether I felt it or not. God said I had, and I must believe Him, in spite of every feeling. I think then the torment left me, for I knew I was safe because of God’s Word which never changes. I didn’t (as it so happened) feel joy or peace until long after.”
“I believe you are right,” said the young man who had been listening attentively. “I have always thought that I was not saved unless I had good feelings about it.”
Please make sure that you aren’t being misled, being tempted to trust in feeling, instead of Christ, or waiting to feel, when you should believe and be saved. “Feelings” are changeable things at the best—like the mercury in the barometer—sometimes up, sometimes down.
The officer was kept from salvation by waiting for “feelings,” instead of simply relying on the blood of Jesus. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Do you believe in Jesus, yet you don’t feel saved? If you are really trusting in Jesus, you may enjoy perfect peace of mind, since God has raised Him from the dead, “that your faith and hope might be in God” (not your feelings) and that, “being justified by faith” (not feelings), you “have peace with God” (1 Peter 1:21; Romans 5:1).
Since Jesus Christ has offered Himself and been accepted by God as an all-sufficient sacrifice for sins, isn’t it righteous of Him to justify you, a believer in Jesus? To justify you is to consider you righteous in His eyes. He delights in doing so!
Satan suggests that because you don’t feel justified when you believe, you aren’t. But God says, “All that believe are justified from all things” (Acts 13:39). You are justified whether you feel it or not, just because God has said you are. Hear His Word, and be at peace with God.