The certainty of salvation based on God's Word was found by Queen Victoria.
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#5050, $7.00
A preacher and a priest meet on a train. The priest poses three questions, the preacher poses two, and the Word of God answers all. No Purgatory! Excellent! …
#41053, $7.00
During the American Civil War, Chicago evangelist D.L. Moody served as a chaplain. This is his memorable account of a dying soldier's conversion through John 3:15. …
#41054, $7.00
Certainty of salvation comes from God's Word, not from our feeling saved. Former title: "Faith or Feeling?" …
#5613, $7.00
The world is filled with constant conflict. The need is first of all to find peace with a holy God. There is no peace for those not reconciled to Him. See also: #42285 …
#5614, $7.00
A young man, when challenged, can't say that he is saved, won't say that he is lost, and so struggles until he finds peace in Christ. …
#41055, $7.00