Simple and stark. There are only two choices not many. Where will you spend forever …
Laminated Gospel Tract Card, 2.5" x 3.5", 2 pages
#2451, $7.00
You can't take any direction you want and arrive in Paris and you certainly can't find any old way to heaven. Jesus is THE way. …
#2368, $7.00
Who or what decides what truth is? Is sincerity enough? Does it matter what you believe …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#7353, $7.00
If we're honest, we must admit the evidence for Christ's resurrection. Our problem in accepting it is our self-will. …
#2110, $7.00
The historical Jesus is the eternal Son of God, and His historical death and resurrection are presently meaningful and effective. …
#42329, $7.00
We live in a visual age and are prone to trust our perception, but here are proofs that our eyes deceive us and that faith is more (and better) than sight. …
#42280, $7.00
If God will judge sin, if hell is real, if Jesus is the only Saviour, if only His blood cleanses from sin, if you cannot earn salvation, what does that mean for you? and what are you going to do now? …
#2130, $7.00
Religion, sincere belief and good works can't cancel a single lie but the sacrifice of Jesus Christ does. …
Laminated Tract Card, 2.5" x 3.5", 2 pages
#5700, $7.00
Answers questions such as, Why talk about Jesus? Isn't belie f in Jesus superstitious and ignorant? and Of all the philos ophies and religions of the world — why Jesus? …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#42231, $7.00
You aren't intolerant to keep a killer out of your home. God is reasonable, too, in barring a sinner. But He provides a way of escape. …
#1793, $7.00