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About This Product
It is perfectly delightful to contemplate the moral triumphs Christ gives the believer — the victories which He provides over self and the world, and the marvelous way in which such victories are obtained. The law said, Thou shalt do this, and thou shalt not do that. But Christianity speaks a totally different language. In it we see life bestowed as a free gift — life flowing down from a risen and glorified Christ. This wonderful truth and more like it uplift the soul throughout Handfuls of Pasture.
Table of Contents
1. Self-Surrender
2. Accepted and Acceptable
3. Worshipper and a Workman, A
4. Christian Life: What Is It?
5. Christian Priesthood, The
6. Forsaken One, The
7. Risen One, The
8. Jesus, a Deliverer and Lord
9. Grace of God, The
10. The God of Peace
11. Salvation of God, The
12. God’s Way – and How to Find It
13. Landmarks and Stumblingblocks
Excerpt - "Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor's landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance." Deut. 19:14.
"Take up the stumblingblock out of the way of my people." Isa. 57:14.
What tender care, what gracious considerateness, breathe in the above passages! The ancient landmarks were not to be removed; but the stumblingblocks were to be taken up. The inheritance of God's people was to stand forth in all its length and breadth, while the stumblingblocks were to be sedulously removed out of their pathway. Such was the grace of Israel's God! Such His care for His people! The portion which God had given to each was to be enjoyed, while, at the same time, the path in which each was called to walk should be kept free from every occasion of stumbling.
Now, if we are to judge from the tone and character of several recent communications, we believe we are called upon to give attention to the spirit of those ancient enactments. Some of our friends have, in their letters to us, opened their minds, very freely, as to their spiritual condition. They have told us of their doubts and fears, their difficulties and dangers, their conflicts and exercises. We must say we feel truly grateful for such confidence; and it is our earnest desire to be used of God in the interesting work of helping our readers by pointing out the landmarks which He, by His Spirit, has set up, and removing the stumblingblocks, which the enemy has so diligently flung in their path. It never was our object merely to conduct a Magazine—to bring out a monthly number—to fill so many pages. But we have desired, and that most earnestly, that "Things New and Old" should be a direct agent in the hands of the Holy Ghost, in the great work of quickening, liberating, and edifying souls. The day will declare how far our desire has been answered. We have abundant reason to bless God for the fruit which He has allowed us to gather; and our earnest prayer is that when our little serial ceases to be useful, it may cease to exist—that its issue may cease with its interest—that it may never outlive its freshness. For this we count on God; and to Him we look for grace to say the right thing in the right way, and at the right time.