Intimacy With Christ [Leaflets]

Intimacy With Christ by Edward B. Dennett
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20-Pack of 4-Page Leaflets
4 pages
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Note: The minimum quantity for this product with a custom imprint is 100.

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“I have called you friends” (John 15:15).

O Lord, Thou seest, Thou knowest,

That to none my heart can tell

The joy and the love and the sorrow,

The tale that my heart knows well.

But to Thee, O my God, I can tell it —

To Thee, and to Thee, Lord, alone,

For Thy heart my heart has a language,

For other hearts it has none.

In the wide world speechless and lonely,

For me is no heart but Thine;

Lord, since I must love Thee only,

Oh, reveal Thy heart to mine.

H. Suso

“Ye are My friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” If you meditate upon these words, you will never reach their profound depths, nor shall we even in eternity. For who shall tell what friendship with Christ involves? No one can or ever will gauge the possible intimacy which it holds out to us.

We should diligently cultivate the enjoyment of the love of Christ that we may become molded by it, so as to express it more in our very demeanor and be surrounded by the holy atmosphere which it creates.

Whatever makes Christ more precious to us is of God. Whatever comes between us and Christ is of the devil.

“It is I, be not afraid.” The realization of Christ’s presence is the antidote to every possible fear, and the way to comfort people is the ministry of Christ in the power of the Spirit — to so present Him that they shall apprehend His presence.

The nearer we are to God, the more we lose sight of ourselves and the better we are able to apprehend and to communicate His mind.

I do not know a happier employment than to sit down quietly before the Lord and let Him make impressions on your heart — to let Him impress you with His own presence and to produce whatever influences He will upon you.

By sitting at the feet of Jesus, we shall both delight His heart and find ourselves in the place of untold and unfathomed blessing.

Many people think communion is having happy feelings. It is being in the mind of God. Communion is doing the right thing at the right moment in the right way. Once get out of communion and you cannot do anything rightly.

Are we satisfied with light instead of cultivating love for Christ? The more light the better, if affection goes with it, but if light be held without the heart, it will not benefit us. John 20 illustrates this. John had more light about the resurrection than Mary, yet when he came to the sepulchre and found it empty, he went home. Mary had no light about the resurrection, yet as she waited there, weeping, Jesus revealed Himself to her. It is to the heart and not to the head that Christ reveals Himself, so the more heart you have, the more you will get manifestations of Him.

To be near Christ is the great enjoyment of the spiritual life. “Can the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them?” As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. In heaven itself you would not be content never to come into contact with Christ. Have you come into contact with Him today?
