20-Pack of Large Print Leaflets, 12-Point Type
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“As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you.” Isaiah 66:13
One Song of Songs the sweetest,
Once learned thou still repeatest,
And singest, Christian, o’er and o’er—
Earth cannot learn its measure,
This song of heavenly treasure,
Of grace abounding evermore!
Of one great love it telleth,
Which every grief expelleth
Like mist before the morning sun;
Farewell to all thy sorrow,
Thy cares about the morrow,
When thou canst sing this sweetest song.
K. J. P. Spitta
I know there is the Lord’s bosom for the reception of every care and every anxiety.
We ought to be patient, for He is the doer of everything; and when we are not patient, we really find fault with Him and His doing.
He is a great giver, if He hides His hand from giving today, tomorrow He oft gives twofold.
He is enough for us were the path ten thousand times more sad and difficult.
He that made all things, upholds all things, is equal to and a match for any and every contingency that can befall any between Calvary and the cloud of glory.
With a heart broken and a will subdued, I have given thanks for sorrows in which the iron entered into my own soul. I say not with levity, but as before God, “Thou knowest I could not have lived through this and that if thou hadst not given me grace to receive it at Thy hand, and to find that out of the eater came forth meat.”
“Our Jesus hath done all things well” has long been our song. And so it must be, whatever we may feel; for if the Father of an Only Begotten Son settles everything for us which is for the glory of that Son, surely all is well.
He loves you and wants His will to be all your satisfaction; wants you to find your all in Him and in His Son. … He thinks that if all His pleasure is found in the Son of His love, He can make that Son of His love enough for you when all else is gone. He so loves you in Him that He is making every affection in you, every thought in you, to find the Lord Jesus as its center.
His love broke my heart to make room for Christ, and I know it was love that did it. Till then I never knew either the creature’s need of Christ, or Christ’s sufficiency for a broken heart.
Is He not worthy to have His saints with Him? … The words, “If ye loved me, ye would rejoice that I said, I go to the Father,” may be quoted here as true in this case also. Oh, have we no love for those that go? No love save for our own selves? … It is … wretched selfishness which forgets God’s joy and Christ’s joy in welcoming to His presence a soul that leaves us, and which hinders, too, our thinking of its great gain.
I refuse to say of myself “bereaved” when the Lord has won another to His presence. I will not say of myself, “bereaved” when another has gone to be with Him. Surely if I love Him I must unselfishly resign all I love to Him.”
G. V. Wigram
(From Footprints for Pilgrims, BTP #1325)