Articles on

Jeremiah 48

Jer. 48:2 KJV (With Strong’s)

There shall be no more praise
thillah (Hebrew #8416)
laudation; specifically (concretely) a hymn
KJV usage: praise.
Pronounce: teh-hil-law'
Origin: from 1984
of Moab
Mow'ab (Hebrew #4124)
from (her (the mother's)) father; Moab, an incestuous son of Lot; also his territory and descendants
KJV usage: Moab.
Pronounce: mo-awb
Origin: from a prolonged form of the prepositional prefix m- and 1
: in Heshbon
Cheshbown (Hebrew #2809)
Cheshbon, a place East of the Jordan
KJV usage: Heshbon.
Pronounce: khesh-bone'
Origin: the same as 2808
t they have devised
chashab (Hebrew #2803)
properly, to plait or interpenetrate, i.e. (literally) to weave or (gen.) to fabricate; figuratively, to plot or contrive (usually in a malicious sense); hence (from the mental effort) to think, regard, value, compute
KJV usage: (make) account (of), conceive, consider, count, cunning (man, work, workman), devise, esteem, find out, forecast, hold, imagine, impute, invent, be like, mean, purpose, reckon(-ing be made), regard, think.
Pronounce: khaw-shab'
Origin: a primitive root
ra` (Hebrew #7451)
bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral)
KJV usage: adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, + displease(-ure), distress, evil((- favouredness), man, thing), + exceedingly, X great, grief(-vous), harm, heavy, hurt(-ful), ill (favoured), + mark, mischief(-vous), misery, naught(-ty), noisome, + not please, sad(-ly), sore, sorrow, trouble, vex, wicked(-ly, -ness, one), worse(-st), wretchedness, wrong. (Incl. feminine raaah; as adjective or noun.).
Pronounce: rah
Origin: from 7489
against it; come
yalak (Hebrew #3212)
to walk (literally or figuratively); causatively, to carry (in various senses)
KJV usage: X again, away, bear, bring, carry (away), come (away), depart, flow, + follow(-ing), get (away, hence, him), (cause to, made) go (away, -ing, -ne, one's way, out), grow, lead (forth), let down, march, prosper, + pursue, cause to run, spread, take away ((-journey)), vanish, (cause to) walk(-ing), wax, X be weak.
Pronounce: yaw-lak'
Origin: a primitive root (compare 1980)
, and let us cut it off
karath (Hebrew #3772)
to cut (off, down or asunder); by implication, to destroy or consume; specifically, to covenant (i.e. make an alliance or bargain, originally by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces)
KJV usage: be chewed, be con-(feder-)ate, covenant, cut (down, off), destroy, fail, feller, be freed, hew (down), make a league ((covenant)), X lose, perish, X utterly, X want.
Pronounce: kaw-rath'
Origin: a primitive root
from being a nation
gowy (Hebrew #1471)
apparently from the same root as 1465 (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation; hence, a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts
KJV usage: Gentile, heathen, nation, people.
Pronounce: go'-ee
Origin: rarely (shortened) goy {go'-ee}
. Also thou shalt be νcut down
damam (Hebrew #1826)
to be dumb; by implication, to be astonished, to stop; also to perish
KJV usage: cease, be cut down (off), forbear, hold peace, quiet self, rest, be silent, keep (put to) silence, be (stand) still, tarry, wait.
Pronounce: daw-man'
Origin: a prim root (compare 1724, 1820)
, O Madmen
Madmen (Hebrew #4086)
dunghill; Madmen, a place in Palestine
KJV usage: Madmen.
Pronounce: mad-mane'
Origin: from the same as 1828
; the sword
chereb (Hebrew #2719)
drought; also a cutting instrument (from its destructive effect), as a knife, sword, or other sharp implement
KJV usage: axe, dagger, knife, mattock, sword, tool.
Pronounce: kheh'-reb
Origin: from 2717
shall πpursue
yalak (Hebrew #3212)
to walk (literally or figuratively); causatively, to carry (in various senses)
KJV usage: X again, away, bear, bring, carry (away), come (away), depart, flow, + follow(-ing), get (away, hence, him), (cause to, made) go (away, -ing, -ne, one's way, out), grow, lead (forth), let down, march, prosper, + pursue, cause to run, spread, take away ((-journey)), vanish, (cause to) walk(-ing), wax, X be weak.
Pronounce: yaw-lak'
Origin: a primitive root (compare 1980)
'achar (Hebrew #310)
properly, the hind part; generally used as an adverb or conjunction, after (in various senses)
KJV usage: after (that, -ward), again, at, away from, back (from, -side), behind, beside, by, follow (after, -ing), forasmuch, from, hereafter, hinder end, + out (over) live, + persecute, posterity, pursuing, remnant, seeing, since, thence(-forth), when, with.
Pronounce: akh-ar'
Origin: from 309

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Cross References

no more.
Jer. 48:34‑35• 34Because of the cry from Heshbon, unto Elaleh, unto Jahaz have they uttered their voice, from Zoar unto Horonaim, unto Eglath-shelishijah: for even the waters of Nimrim shall become desolations.
35And I will cause to cease in Moab, saith Jehovah, him that offereth in the high place, and him that burneth incense to his gods.
(Jer. 48:34‑35)
Num. 21:25‑30• 25And Israel took all these cities, and Israel dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites, at Heshbon, and in all its dependent villages.
26For Heshbon was the city of Sihon the king of the Amorites; and he had fought against the former king of Moab, and had taken all his land out of his hand, even unto the Arnon.
27Therefore the poets say, Come to Heshbon; let the city of Sihon be built and established.
28For there went forth fire from Heshbon, a flame from the city of Sihon; It consumed Ar of Moab, the lords of the high places of the Arnon.
29Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, people of Chemosh: He gave his sons that had escaped, and his daughters into captivity to Sihon the king of the Amorites.
30And we have shot at them; Heshbon is perished even unto Dibon; and we have laid them waste even unto Nophah, which reacheth unto Medeba.
(Num. 21:25‑30)
Num. 32:37• 37--And the children of Reuben built Heshbon, and Elaleh, and Kirjathaim, (Num. 32:37)
Isa. 15:5• 5My heart crieth out for Moab; their fugitives have fled unto Zoar, unto Eglath-Shelishijah: for by the ascent of Luhith, with weeping they go up by it; for in the way of Horonaim they raise up a cry of destruction. (Isa. 15:5)
Isa. 16:8‑9• 8For the fields of Heshbon languish, the vine of Sibmah; the lords of the nations have broken down its choice plants: they reached unto Jaazer, they wandered through the wilderness; its shoots stretched out, they went beyond the sea.
9Therefore I will weep with the weeping of Jaazer for the vine of Sibmah; with my tears will I water thee, Heshbon, and Elealeh, for a cry is fallen upon thy summer fruits and upon thy harvest.
(Isa. 16:8‑9)
Jer. 48:42• 42And Moab shall be destroyed from being a people, because he hath magnified himself against Jehovah. (Jer. 48:42)
Jer. 31:36• 36If those ordinances depart from before me, saith Jehovah, the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever. (Jer. 31:36)
Jer. 33:24• 24Hast thou not seen what this people have spoken, saying, The two families that Jehovah had chosen, he hath even cast them off? And they despise my people, that they should be no more a nation before them. (Jer. 33:24)
Jer. 46:28• 28Fear thou not, my servant Jacob, saith Jehovah: for I am with thee; for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee, but I will not make a full end of thee; but I will correct thee with judgment, and I will not hold thee altogether guiltless. (Jer. 46:28)
Esther 3:8‑14• 8And Haman said to king Ahasuerus, There is a people scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of thy kingdom; and their laws are diverse from those of every people, and they keep not the king's laws; and it is not for the king's profit to suffer them.
9If it please the king, let it be written that they may be destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those that have charge of the affairs, to bring it into the king's treasuries.
10And the king took his ring from his hand, and gave it to Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the Jews' enemy.
11And the king said to Haman, The silver is given to thee, the people also, to do with them as seems good to thee.
12Then were the king's scribes called, in the first month, on the thirteenth day of the month, and there was written according to all that Haman commanded unto the king's satraps, and to the governors over every province, and to the princes of every people; to every province according to the writing thereof, and to every people according to their language: in the name of king Ahasuerus was it written, and sealed with the king's ring.
13And the letters were sent by couriers into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, upon the thirteenth of the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, and to take the spoil of them for a prey.
14That the decree might be given in every province, a copy of the writing was published to all peoples, that they should be ready against that day.
(Esther 3:8‑14)
Psa. 83:4‑8• 4They say, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, and let the name of Israel be mentioned no more.
5For they have consulted together with one heart: they have made an alliance together against thee.
6The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagarites;
7Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia, with the inhabitants of Tyre;
8Asshur also is joined with them: they are an arm to the sons of Lot. Selah.
(Psa. 83:4‑8)
thou shalt.
cut down.
or, brought to silence.
pursue thee.
Heb. go after thee.

J. N. Darby Translation

Moab’s praiseg is no more; in Heshbon they have devisedh evil against her: Come, and let us cut her off from being a nation. Thou also, O Madmen, shalt be cut down; the sword shall pursue thee.

JND Translation Notes

Or "exultation."
A play on words. B'Heshbon hashbu.