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About This Product
God prepared Josiah 2,650 years ago to teach us lessons today. He lived with faith and energy in a day of unbelief and moral decay. Every believer today would benefit greatly from these lessons on…
Reliance on God’s Word
Spiritual Vigor
Spiritual Dangers
W. W. Fereday writes simply and with real feeling for the needs of the modern era. We find encouragement to go on in faith with the Lord and warnings about taking our eyes off Christ after having seen His blessing.
Table of Contents
2.For a Memorial
3.Child-King, The
4.Many Gracious Revivals
5.Seeking the Lord
6.Israel's "High Places"
7.Land Purged and the House Repaired, The
8.Faithful in That Which Is Least
9.No Accounts Kept!
10.Book of the Law Found, The
11.Thine Heart Was Tender
12.Huldah's Solemn Message
13.Fresh Covenant, A
14.From Dan to Beersheba
15.Josiah at Bethel
16.Three Wrecked Lives
17.Great Passover, The
18.Sad Megiddo!
19.Wreck of the Kingdom, The
20.Appendix-Jehovah's Passover
21.Every Man a Lamb
22.Tenth Day, The
23.Fourteenth Day, The
24.Kill It
25.Take of the Blood
26.When I See the Blood
27.I Will Pass Over You
28.Eat the Flesh
29.Stroke, The