The Last Revival [Pamphlet]

The Last Revival by George Cutting
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52 pages
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About This Product

The word 'revival' could not correctly refer to the conversion of sinners. There is nothing in the "natural man" to revive. A man may be very near to death and be revived. While one spark remains, a fire may be rekindled. But you could not speak of reviving a stone just taken out of the quarry. It is dead. It never has lived. Only by divine power can dead stones become living. The unregenerate sinner is "dead in trespasses and sins."

At the same time a special revival in the souls of the converted has almost invariably been accompanied by some special awakening in the souls of the unconverted; and we shall certainly see, in considering the 'last revival', that the souls of the unconverted are a special mark of the Lord's care. But we do not dwell upon it here.

Scripture speaks of a last revival before Jesus was born into this world, and a last before He comes again.

The last revival for Israel was in view of the coming of the promised Messiah. The last for the Church is in connection with the advent of the expected Bridegroom.

The necessity for a revival in Israel is seen in the last book of the Old Testament—Malachi. The necessity for a revival in the Church is found in the last book of the New. See address to Laodicea (Rev. 3).

We are under no obligation whatever to hold to and reform what man has originated and by his sectarian rules established. We are under the strongest obligation to hold to what God has established in Christ by the Spirit, and to see that that which does not give Christ His true place must be abandoned for that which does.

Deep searchings of heart become us. For what is the value of mere nominal agreement, or ecclesiastical rigor to enforce it, if Christ sees that affection for Himself and His saints is lacking? He looks for brokenness of spirit, humility of mind, genuine piety, and holy affection.

The secret of true unity is found within, not without. May we so habitually learn to judge in ourselves every heart-dividing hindrance, that always and in all circumstances we may in response to His word, "Yea, I come quickly," be able to say, "AMEN; COME, LORD JESUS."

George Cutting

