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About This Product
How shall they hear it [the Gospel]?
It is this inquiry, and that which hangs upon it, that we propose to consider in these pages.
All our knowledge of Scripture, all our discussion of what the gospel is and how the work should be done, are surely not enough, if, through lack of heart, or love of ease, we shirk the labor of carrying the message to those who need it.
Faith cometh by hearing; and how shall they hear without a preacher?
From an old record comes an important inquiry—most important, for it is God's: Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?
Laborers He wants, and every heart that loves Him is eligible. Shall not reader and writer humbly but eagerly and joyfully answer: Here am I; send me?
The morning cometh, and also the night? Let us redeem the time because the days are evil.
Since life's short span will soon be past,
Let every day be as our last,
And this our sole endeavor—
Each hour to list what He doth say,
Serve His blest wishes all the way,
Then dwell with Him forever.
Now is our opportunity. With Him is our account.