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About This Product
"Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar." (Rom. 3:3, 4)
The enemy of souls is circulating two glaring falsehoods today, and, alas! finds plenty of willing hearts to take them in. He has no need now to stealthily whisper them in secret. There is no lack of instruments for public service in this line and, if he can get them to style it 'divine service', all the better, for all the more will it be likely to succeed.
In barefaced defiance of the plainest statements of Holy Scripture, from platform and pulpit these soul-destroying lies are boldly sounded forth in the ears of Christian professors, and men's hearts not only gladly endorse them, but flatter and applaud those who announce them.
1. Man by grace is not altogether SAVED.
2. Man without Christ is not altogether LOST, neither in this world nor the next.
No man in this world, say they, can know he is saved. Everyone may need a little purifying, some more, some less but another world will do for that, and all will be blessed in the end. If Scripture tells a different tale to this, and does not agree with us, so much the worse for Scripture, is their daring avowal; we shall stick to our commonsense opinions to the end.
Has the Spirit of God so worked in your soul, dear reader, that His testimony to you has become a powerful reality within you? Be sure of this, the doctrines of partly lost and partly saved go together. When a man realizes that in himself he is utterly lost, he can never rest till, through the work of Another, he is eternally saved.