Note: The minimum quantity for this product with a custom imprint is 100.
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There was something sadly mysterious in the way the young man was treating his christian mother. He had left home, and was lodging in one of the largest cities in the Western States. For some unaccountable reason the couple with whom he lodged had made it their business to poison his mind against his widowed mother. So effectually had they done this, that at last he not only refused to come home to see his sorrowing parent, but refused to reply to any letter she sent him. Special messengers were deputed to convey the assurance of her tender regard for him, but all to no purpose.
At last, for his sisters, a sad day came, for they were told that their mother must undergo a serious operation. This moved them to entreat their brother, ere his mother passed under the operator's hand, to grant her the longed-for pleasure of seeing his face once more, warning him that this might possibly be his last chance of gratifying her. But no. With stolid hardness he refused all their yearning entreaties, and the day for the operation arrived. The devoted mother had placed on the corner of the mantelpiece, facing the door of entrance, his photograph, so that if he should come to peep in unexpectedly he might see that his heart's coldness had not driven him from her heart's memory.
Has there yet been joy in heaven, dear reader, over your return? If not, may we remind you that the last warning will come! Oh, if you only knew what God's heart is toward sinners you would surely hasten to confess your unworthiness, and receive His forgiveness.
Then will you be able to sing with everyone else who has so come: —
Not half Thy love can I express,
Yet, Lord, with joy my lips confess
This blessed portion I possess,
O Lamb of God, through Thee.'
Geo. Cutting