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About This Product
THERE is no trouble in the world like soul-trouble. The torments of a guilty conscience, who can endure? " A wounded spirit, who can bear? "
Next to the anguish of waking up in eternity to find the soul is " lost," is the bitterness of making that discovery in time, though the great gulf be not yet finally " fixed," nor the soul's doom eternally sealed.
Let a man be made alive to the truth that the end of a sinful life is hell, and that such is the very life he has led: let the Spirit of God remind him that the next pulse-beat, the next
heart-throb, may be his last, and that the God against whom he has so long and so willfully rebelled holds his breath in His mighty hand, and there will be little wonder if he go supper-less to bed to spend the silent night-watches, not in peaceful slumber, but in fear and trembling, in tossing and groaning, in prayer and weeping.
Now listen to the word of God (John 13:32) " If God be glorified in Him, God shall also glorify Him in Himself, and shall straightway glorify Him."
This He did; for we read:-
1. " He was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father " (Rom. 6:3).
2. That He was " received up in glory " (1 Tim. 3 16).
3. That He is " crowned with glory and honor " (Heb. 2:9).
What greater proofs than these could God give that He was satisfied with the work of Christ? And if He is satisfied, should not we be also Satisfied, not with ourselves or our mean doings, but with Christ and the work whereby He brought eternal glory to God, and secured eternal blessing for man.
May the reader be no longer occupied with his or her feelings of satisfaction, but be able to say:-
" Sweetest rest and peace now fill me, Sweeter praise than tongue can tell; God is satisfied with Jesus
I am satisfied as well."
Our every-day safety is in trustfully turning to our gracious Friend at God's right hand, and saying:-
" As weaker than a bruised reed,
I cannot do without Thee;
I want Thee here each hour of need,
Shall want Thee too in glory."
George Cutting