Note: The minimum quantity for this product with a custom imprint is 100.
About This Product
Two officers (one of them personally known to the writer) stood talking earnestly together one day in the public street at S—. Both their wives had been ill and, as they stood, they were congratulating each other on the satisfactory progress toward the complete recovery of their beloved ones. One of them, Major H—, said with much feeling, 'If Mrs. H—had died I really think I should have gone mad!'
They had not stood there long when a servant from Major H—'s house came in great haste down the street looking for her master. When she reached him he could not fail to see by her countenance that there was something serious the matter, especially when she said, 'Will you please, sir, come home at once? Mistress is very ill!'
Sincerity for the future can no more atone for the sins of the past than the calm weather of today can repair the effects of the storm of yesterday. A whole century of calm could not repair the havoc of one single hour of storm. Nor could a whole lifetime of sincerity and good behavior by any possibility atone for one single sin of the past.
`Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow,
Naught for sin could ere atone
But Thy blood, and Thine alone.'
Put your AMEN to this, and be thankful that you are still on earth to do it.
Geo. Cutting
"The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin" (1 John 1:7).