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About This Product
A sick person needs a good doctor to diagnose and treat their ailment. The Minor Prophets provides notes on the 12 prophets from Hosea to Malachi whose prophetic writings, like a skilled spiritual physician’s diagnosis and medicine, give …
• Warnings of coming judgment
• Calls for repentance
• The faithfulness of God
• The mercy and grace of God
You’ll find a lot in these pages of notes and the full text of these prophets that challenges your conscience, opens a window on the character of our great God and Saviour, and gives a view of God’s work in the past and plans for the future. This edition includes the full text of each of the Minor Prophets woven into the commentary to aid you in meditating on the Scriptures themselves.
1.Minor Prophets: Preface
3.Hosea: Doom and Recovery
4.Hosea: the Gentiles Grafted In
5.Hosea 2
6.Hosea 3
7.Hosea 4-13
8.Hosea: Redemption and Relationship
9.Hosea: the Moral Conclusion
11.Joel 1: the Present as a Window on the Future
12.Joel 1: Trial, Humiliation and Confession
13.Joel 2: Misery, Judgment and Grace
14.Joel 2 and Acts 2
15.Joel 3: Judgment Clears Then Glory Fills
18.Obadiah: God's Anger with Babylon and Edom
19.Obadiah: the Moral Character of the Edomite
21.Jonah 1: Jonah Anticipates Grace for His Enemy
22.Jonah 1: the Spirit of Confession Comes First
23.Jonah 2
24.Jonah 3: Warning to Ninevah
25.Jonah 4
27.Micah, The Background and Outline of
28.Micah 1-3
29.Micah 4-5
30.Micah 6
31.Micah 7:1-10
32.Micah 7:11-14
33.Micah 7:15-17: the Lord's Answer of Grace
34.Micah 7:18-20: Glory to God
36.Nahum 1: a Voice for Today
37.Nahum 2: Final Judgment
38.Nahum 3: the Purposes of God
40.Habakkuk 1:1-4
41.Habakkuk 1:5-11
42.Habakkuk 1:12-17
43.Habakkuk 2:1
44.Habakkuk 2:2-20
45.Habakkuk 3: Judgment on the Chaldean
46.Habakkuk 3:18: Application to Today
47Habakkus 3:19: Dominion Reserved for Christ
49.Zephaniah 1:1-7: History and Prophecy
50.Zephaniah 1:8-18: Coming Judgment
51.Zephaniah2 : A Perfect Steward
52.Zephaniah 2:1-15: Perfect Judgment
53.Zephaniah 3
55.Haggai: Background to the Book
56.Haggai 1
57.Haggai1:1-15: the Need of Revival
58.Haggai 2
60.Zechariah 1:1-6
61.Zechariah 1:7-17
62.Zechariah 1:18-21
63.Zechariah 2
64.Zechariah 3
65.Zechariah 4
66.Zechariah 5:1-4
67.Zechariah 5:5-11
68.Zechariah 6:1-8
69.Zechariah 6:9-15
70.Zechariah 7-8
71.Zechariah 9-10
72.Zechariah 11
73.Zechariah 12-13
74.Zechariah 14
75.Malachi 1:1
76.Malachi 1:2: A Return to Failure
77.Malachi 1:3: A Bright Beginning
78.Malachi 1:4: Messiah Presented and the Test Failed
79.Malachi 1:5-14
80.Malachi 2
81.Malachi 3-4
82.Malachi 4:6: John the Baptist and Elijah