Coilbound Handbook Study Version, with Fold-Out Chart, 10.5-Point Type
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About This Product
The Revelation is a book of judgment and blessing. It begins with the judgment of those who compose the house of God today— the professing Church (1 Peter 4:17). Then after the true Church is called away to heaven, it gives us details concerning the judgment of those left in Christendom, Israel, and the Gentile nations. It closes with blessing being established in heaven and earth, and all things therein being ordered according to the will of God.
The purpose of the book is two-fold. The first is to show that all mankind will be held accountable to God when Christ intervenes in the course of this world at His appearing. The second is to show how God will work all things to His ultimate end of exalting and glorifying His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ—the “Alpha and Omega” (the beginning and ending) of all prophecy (Revelation 1:8). He is the source and goal of all God’s ways in creation, grace, and judgment. Being the central figure of prophecy, God will bring Him into view for all to see at His Appearing (Revelation1:7).