Perhaps Today! & Quite Suddenly [Leaflets]

Perhaps Today! & Quite Suddenly
Tract back page
20-Pack of Poetry Leaflets, 9.5-Point Type
Page Size:
4.25" x 5"
2 pages
Price Each
Note: The minimum quantity for this product with a custom imprint is 100.

Full Text of This Product

Perhaps today! shall sound the mystic summons,
The shout, the voice, the trump, not by all heard;
And, from their scattered silent resting places,
The dead in Christ will rise to meet the Lord;
While we, the ransomed living, in a moment
Shall be caught up
according to His Word.

Perhaps today, from every clime and nation,
Shall souls redeemed ascend to meet the Lord;
To suffering ones
great, glad emancipation;
To those who toil for Him, a sure reward.
We look not down a track of unknown years;
It may be that today our Lord appears.

Perhaps today, with problems fresh outbreaking,
With growing evils rampant o'er the earth,
When sore distress, nigh every land is shaking

Perhaps today the Savior may come forth.
Earth's leaders fail; the forces are too great;
But, lift your heads, the Lord is at the gate!

Author Unknown

Quite Suddenly

Quite suddenlyit may be at the turning of a lane,
Where I stand to watch a skylark from out the swelling grain,
That the trump of God shall thrill me, with its call so loud and clear,
And I’m called away to meet Him, whom of all I hold most dear.

Quite suddenlyit may be as I tread the busy street,
Strong to endure life’s stress and strain, its very call to meet,
That through the roar of traffic, a trumpet, silvery clear,
Shall stir my startled senses and proclaim His coming near.

Quite suddenlyit may be in His house I bend my knee,
When the kingly voice, long hoped for, comes at last to summon me;
And the fellowship of earth-life that has seemed so passing sweet,
Proves nothing but the shadow of our meeting round His feet.

Quite suddenlyit may be as I lie in dreamless sleep,
God’s gift to many a sorrowing heart, with no more tears to weep,
That a call shall break my slumber and a Voice sound in my ear;
‘Rise up, my love, and come away! Behold, the Bridegroom’s here!”

Author Unknown

The Lord Himself shall descend. … We … shall be caught up. … So shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
