secret (Hebrew #7328)

2:18   That they would desire
b`a' (Hebrew #1156)
corresponding to 1158; to seek or ask
KJV usage: ask, desire, make (petition), pray, request, seek.
Pronounce: beh-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) or b ah (Aramaic) {beh-aw'}
rchem (Hebrew #7359)
(plural) pity
KJV usage: mercy.
Pronounce: rekh-ame'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 7356
qodam (Hebrew #6925)
corresponding to 6924; before
KJV usage: before, X from, X I (thought), X me, + of, X it pleased, presence.
Pronounce: kod-awm'
Origin: (Aramaic) or qdam (Aramaic) (Daniel 7:l3) {ked-awm'}
min (Hebrew #4481)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 4480
KJV usage: according, after, + because, + before, by, for, from, X him, X more than, (out) of, part, since, X these, to, upon, + when.
Pronounce: min
the God
'elahh (Hebrew #426)
KJV usage: God, god.
Pronounce: el-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 433
of heaven
shamayin (Hebrew #8065)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 8064
KJV usage: heaven.
Pronounce: shaw-mah'-yin
`al (Hebrew #5922)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5921
KJV usage: about, against, concerning, for, (there-)fore, from, in, X more, of, (there-, up-)on, (in-)to, + why with.
Pronounce: al
den (Hebrew #1836)
KJV usage: (afore-)time, + after this manner, here (-after), one...another, such, there(-fore), these, this (matter), + thus, where(-fore), which.
Pronounce: dane
Origin: (Aramaic) an orthographical variation of 1791
raz (Hebrew #7328)
a mystery
KJV usage: secret.
Pronounce: rawz
Origin: (Aramaic) from an unused root probably meaning to attenuate, i.e. (figuratively) hide
; that Daniel
Daniye'l (Hebrew #1841)
Danijel, the Heb. prophet
KJV usage: Daniel.
Pronounce: daw-nee-yale'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 1840
and his fellows
chabar (Hebrew #2269)
an associate
KJV usage: companion, fellow.
Pronounce: khab-ar'
Origin: (Aramaic) from a root corresponding to 2266
should not
la' (Hebrew #3809)
corresponding to 3808
KJV usage: or even, neither, no(-ne, -r), ((can-))not, as nothing, without.
Pronounce: law
Origin: (Aramaic) or lah (Aramaic) (Dan. 4:32) {law}
'abad (Hebrew #7)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 6
KJV usage: destroy, perish.
Pronounce: ab-ad'
`im (Hebrew #5974)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5973
KJV usage: by, from, like, to(-ward), with.
Pronounce: eem
the rest
sh'ar (Hebrew #7606)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 7605
KJV usage: X whatsoever more, residue, rest.
Pronounce: sheh-awr'
of the wise
chakkiym (Hebrew #2445)
wise, i.e. a Magian
KJV usage: wise.
Pronounce: khak-keem'
Origin: (Aramaic) from a root corresponding to 2449
men of Babylon
Babel (Hebrew #895)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 894
KJV usage: Babylon.
Pronounce: baw-bel'
2:19   Then
'edayin (Hebrew #116)
then (of time)
KJV usage: now, that time, then.
Pronounce: ed-ah'-yin
Origin: (Aramaic) of uncertain derivation
was the secret
raz (Hebrew #7328)
a mystery
KJV usage: secret.
Pronounce: rawz
Origin: (Aramaic) from an unused root probably meaning to attenuate, i.e. (figuratively) hide
glah (Hebrew #1541)
corresponding to 1540
KJV usage: bring over, carry away, reveal.
Pronounce: ghel-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) or glat (Aramaic) {ghel-aw'}
unto Daniel
Daniye'l (Hebrew #1841)
Danijel, the Heb. prophet
KJV usage: Daniel.
Pronounce: daw-nee-yale'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 1840
in a night
leylya' (Hebrew #3916)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 3815
KJV usage: night.
Pronounce: lay-leh-yaw'
chezev (Hebrew #2376)
a sight
KJV usage: look, vision.
Pronounce: khay'-zev
Origin: (Aramaic) from 2370
. Then
'edayin (Hebrew #116)
then (of time)
KJV usage: now, that time, then.
Pronounce: ed-ah'-yin
Origin: (Aramaic) of uncertain derivation
Daniye'l (Hebrew #1841)
Danijel, the Heb. prophet
KJV usage: Daniel.
Pronounce: daw-nee-yale'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 1840
brak (Hebrew #1289)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 1288
KJV usage: bless, kneel.
Pronounce: ber-ak'
the God
'elahh (Hebrew #426)
KJV usage: God, god.
Pronounce: el-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 433
of heaven
shamayin (Hebrew #8065)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 8064
KJV usage: heaven.
Pronounce: shaw-mah'-yin
2:27   Daniel
Daniye'l (Hebrew #1841)
Danijel, the Heb. prophet
KJV usage: Daniel.
Pronounce: daw-nee-yale'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 1840
`anah (Hebrew #6032)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 6030
KJV usage: answer, speak.
Pronounce: an-aw'
in the presence
qodam (Hebrew #6925)
corresponding to 6924; before
KJV usage: before, X from, X I (thought), X me, + of, X it pleased, presence.
Pronounce: kod-awm'
Origin: (Aramaic) or qdam (Aramaic) (Daniel 7:l3) {ked-awm'}
of the king
melek (Hebrew #4430)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4428
, and said
'amar (Hebrew #560)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 559
KJV usage: command, declare, say, speak, tell.
Pronounce: am-ar'
, The secret
raz (Hebrew #7328)
a mystery
KJV usage: secret.
Pronounce: rawz
Origin: (Aramaic) from an unused root probably meaning to attenuate, i.e. (figuratively) hide
which the king
melek (Hebrew #4430)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4428
hath demanded
sh'el (Hebrew #7593)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 7592
KJV usage: ask, demand, require.
Pronounce: sheh-ale'
la' (Hebrew #3809)
corresponding to 3808
KJV usage: or even, neither, no(-ne, -r), ((can-))not, as nothing, without.
Pronounce: law
Origin: (Aramaic) or lah (Aramaic) (Dan. 4:32) {law}
ykel (Hebrew #3202)
to 3201
KJV usage: be able, can, couldest, prevail.
Pronounce: yek-ale'
Origin: (Aramaic) or ykiyl (Aramaic) {yek-eel'}
the wise
chakkiym (Hebrew #2445)
wise, i.e. a Magian
KJV usage: wise.
Pronounce: khak-keem'
Origin: (Aramaic) from a root corresponding to 2449
men, the astrologers
'ashshaph (Hebrew #826)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 825
KJV usage: astrologer.
Pronounce: ash-shawf'
, the magicians
chartom (Hebrew #2749)
(Aramaic) the same as 2748
KJV usage: magician.
Pronounce: khar-tome'
, the soothsayers
gzar (Hebrew #1505)
to quarry; determine
KJV usage: cut out, soothsayer.
Pronounce: ghez-ar'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 1504
, show
chava' (Hebrew #2324)
to show
KJV usage: shew.
Pronounce: khav-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 2331
unto the king
melek (Hebrew #4430)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4428
2:28   But
bram (Hebrew #1297)
properly, highly, i.e. surely; but used adversatively, however
KJV usage: but, nevertheless, yet.
Pronounce: ber-am'
Origin: (Aramaic) perhaps from 7313 with a prepositional prefix
there is
'iythay (Hebrew #383)
properly, entity; used only as a particle of affirmation, there is
KJV usage: art thou, can, do ye, have, it be, there is (are), X we will not.
Pronounce: ee-thah'ee
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 3426
a God
'elahh (Hebrew #426)
KJV usage: God, god.
Pronounce: el-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 433
in heaven
shamayin (Hebrew #8065)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 8064
KJV usage: heaven.
Pronounce: shaw-mah'-yin
that revealeth
glah (Hebrew #1541)
corresponding to 1540
KJV usage: bring over, carry away, reveal.
Pronounce: ghel-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) or glat (Aramaic) {ghel-aw'}
raz (Hebrew #7328)
a mystery
KJV usage: secret.
Pronounce: rawz
Origin: (Aramaic) from an unused root probably meaning to attenuate, i.e. (figuratively) hide
, and maketh known
yda` (Hebrew #3046)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 3045
KJV usage: certify, know, make known, teach.
Pronounce: yed-ah'
to the king
melek (Hebrew #4430)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4428
Nbuwkadnetstsar (Hebrew #5020)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5019
KJV usage: Nebuchadnezzar.
Pronounce: neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'
mah (Hebrew #4101)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 4100
KJV usage: how great (mighty), that which, what(-soever), why.
Pronounce: maw
shall be
hava' (Hebrew #1934)
corresponding to 1933; to exist; used in a great variety of applications (especially in connection with other words)
KJV usage: be, become, + behold, + came (to pass), + cease, + cleave, + consider, + do, + give, + have, + judge, + keep, + labour, + mingle (self), + put, + see, + seek, + set, + slay, + take heed, tremble, + walk, + would.
Pronounce: hav-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) orhavah (Aramaic) {hav-aw'}
in the latter
'achariyth (Hebrew #320)
the same as 319; later
KJV usage: latter.
Pronounce: akh-ar-eeth'
Origin: (Aramaic) from 311
yowm (Hebrew #3118)
a day
KJV usage: day (by day), time.
Pronounce: yome
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 3117
. Thy dream
chelem (Hebrew #2493)
a dream
KJV usage: dream.
Pronounce: khay'-lem
Origin: (Aramaic) from a root corresponding to 2492
, and the visions
chezev (Hebrew #2376)
a sight
KJV usage: look, vision.
Pronounce: khay'-zev
Origin: (Aramaic) from 2370
of thy head
re'sh (Hebrew #7217)
the head; figuratively, the sum
KJV usage: chief, head, sum.
Pronounce: raysh
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 7218
`al (Hebrew #5922)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5921
KJV usage: about, against, concerning, for, (there-)fore, from, in, X more, of, (there-, up-)on, (in-)to, + why with.
Pronounce: al
thy bed
mishkab (Hebrew #4903)
a bed
KJV usage: bed.
Pronounce: mish-kab'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4904
, are these
den (Hebrew #1836)
KJV usage: (afore-)time, + after this manner, here (-after), one...another, such, there(-fore), these, this (matter), + thus, where(-fore), which.
Pronounce: dane
Origin: (Aramaic) an orthographical variation of 1791
2:29   As for thee
'antah (Hebrew #607)
KJV usage: as for thee, thou.
Pronounce: an-taw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 859
, O king
melek (Hebrew #4430)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4428
, thy thoughts
ra`yown (Hebrew #7476)
a grasp. i.e. (figuratively) mental conception
KJV usage: cogitation, thought.
Pronounce: rah-yone'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 7475
cliq (Hebrew #5559)
to ascend
KJV usage: come (up).
Pronounce: sel-eek'
Origin: (Aramaic) a primitive root
into thy mind upon
`al (Hebrew #5922)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5921
KJV usage: about, against, concerning, for, (there-)fore, from, in, X more, of, (there-, up-)on, (in-)to, + why with.
Pronounce: al
thy bed
mishkab (Hebrew #4903)
a bed
KJV usage: bed.
Pronounce: mish-kab'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4904
, what
mah (Hebrew #4101)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 4100
KJV usage: how great (mighty), that which, what(-soever), why.
Pronounce: maw
should come to pass
hava' (Hebrew #1934)
corresponding to 1933; to exist; used in a great variety of applications (especially in connection with other words)
KJV usage: be, become, + behold, + came (to pass), + cease, + cleave, + consider, + do, + give, + have, + judge, + keep, + labour, + mingle (self), + put, + see, + seek, + set, + slay, + take heed, tremble, + walk, + would.
Pronounce: hav-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) orhavah (Aramaic) {hav-aw'}
den (Hebrew #1836)
KJV usage: (afore-)time, + after this manner, here (-after), one...another, such, there(-fore), these, this (matter), + thus, where(-fore), which.
Pronounce: dane
Origin: (Aramaic) an orthographical variation of 1791
'achar (Hebrew #311)
KJV usage: (here-)after.
Pronounce: akh-ar'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 310
: and he that revealeth
glah (Hebrew #1541)
corresponding to 1540
KJV usage: bring over, carry away, reveal.
Pronounce: ghel-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) or glat (Aramaic) {ghel-aw'}
raz (Hebrew #7328)
a mystery
KJV usage: secret.
Pronounce: rawz
Origin: (Aramaic) from an unused root probably meaning to attenuate, i.e. (figuratively) hide
maketh known
yda` (Hebrew #3046)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 3045
KJV usage: certify, know, make known, teach.
Pronounce: yed-ah'
to thee what
mah (Hebrew #4101)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 4100
KJV usage: how great (mighty), that which, what(-soever), why.
Pronounce: maw
shall come to pass
hava' (Hebrew #1934)
corresponding to 1933; to exist; used in a great variety of applications (especially in connection with other words)
KJV usage: be, become, + behold, + came (to pass), + cease, + cleave, + consider, + do, + give, + have, + judge, + keep, + labour, + mingle (self), + put, + see, + seek, + set, + slay, + take heed, tremble, + walk, + would.
Pronounce: hav-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) orhavah (Aramaic) {hav-aw'}