Synopsis of the Books of the Bible: New Edition [Hardback]

Synopsis of the Books of the Bible: New Edition by John Nelson Darby
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Volume 3, Matthew-John, Hardback, Black & Ivory
467 pages
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About This Product

From the Introduction: The four principal subjects of the New Testament:

All this is the cause that (apart from the one great idea which reigns throughout) there are four subjects in this wonderful book which unfold themselves to the eye of faith.

First, the great subject, the dominant fact, is that the perfect light is manifested: God reveals Himself. But this light is revealed in love, the other essential name of God.

Christ, who is the manifestation of this light and love, and who, if He had been received, would have been the fulfillment of all the promises, is then presented to man, and especially to Israel (looked at in their responsibility), with every proof, personal, moral, and of power-proofs which left them without excuse.

Second, being rejected (a rejection by means of which salvation was accomplished), the new order of things-the new creation, man glorified, the assembly sharing with Christ in heavenly glory-is put before us.

Third, the connection between the old order of things upon earth and the new, with respect to the law, the promises, the prophets, or the divine institutions on earth, is set forth; whether in exhibiting the new as the fulfillment and setting aside of that which had grown old, or in stating the contrast between the two, and the perfect wisdom of God, which is demonstrated in every detail of His ways.

Fourth, finally, the government of the world, on the part of God, is prophetically displayed; and the renewal of God’s relations with Israel, whether in judgment or in blessing, is briefly but plainly stated, on the occasion of the rupture of those relations by the rejection of the Messiah.

It may be added that everything necessary for man, as a pilgrim on earth until God shall accomplish in power the purposes of His grace, is abundantly supplied. Come forth, at the call of God, from that which is rejected and condemned, and not yet in possession of the portion that God has prepared for him, the man who has obeyed this call needs something to direct him, and to reveal the sources of the strength he requires in walking towards the object of his vocation, and the means by which he can appropriate this strength. God, in calling him to follow a Master whom the world has rejected, has not failed to supply him with all the light and all the directions needed to guide and encourage him on his way, as well as point him to the sources of strength and how to obtain the supply of it.

Every reader of the Bible will understand that these subjects are not treated methodically and separately in the New Testament. Were it so, they would be much less perfectly understood. It is in life and in power, whether that of Christ or that of the Holy Spirit in the inspired writers, that they develop themselves to our hearts.

Table of Contents

1.       Introduction to the New Testament

2.       Matthew

3.       Mark

4.       Luke

5.       John


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Synopsis of the Books of the Bible: New Edition by John Nelson Darby
5-Volume Set, Deluxe Hardback, 10.5-Point Type
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Volume 3, Matthew-John, Epub Ebook, Available Online Only: $2.99
Synopsis of the Books of the Bible: New Edition by John Nelson Darby
Volume 3, Matthew-John, Epub Ebook, Available Online Only
467 pages