Pamphlet, Entrusted Deposit Series, 10.5-Point Type
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When the beast arrives he will have no such name by men! He will be the great man of efficiency and power....We as heavenly people have nothing to do with the beast or antichrist. They will not be revealed while we are here.
Eschatology is occupied with the end times. These are important teachings, and this pamphlet will be devoted to a specific aspect of it. Nevertheless, there is also an unhealthy occupation with the subject. The future of this world holds a very natural, and all too human fascination. As Christians, we are only interested in what the Word of God has to say on such matters, and, more importantly, why it tells us of these things. In this pamphlet, I wish to consider two individuals—the Beast and the Antichrist—whose identities are frequently misrepresented and confused. One hears, for example, these titles used interchangeably. They are, however, separate, and distinct persons with diverse backgrounds. I wish to examine, in the light of Scripture, the appearance of these individuals and the role they will play.