Kivar Paperback, 9.5-Point Type
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About This Product
The privileges and responsibilities of husbands, wives and children.
Preface: The reader will find in this little volume a simple exposition of the Scriptural teaching concerning the connection between the believer and his household, and also concerning what are termed the relative duties. The importance of the exhibition of Christian life in the home is generally admitted; but, as a matter of fact, public ministry seldom deals directly with the subject. And yet, by far the larger portion of the lives of many believers is engaged in household duties. The writer therefore was led to think that a consideration of the responsibilities of the various members of the household might be both timely and profitable. May the Lord Himself condescend to use what has been written, whatever its imperfections, for His own glory in the edification and blessing of His saints.
Blackheath, April, 1877.
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. Christian and Natural Relationships, The
3. Household as a Circle of Grace, The
4. Wives
5. Husbands
6. Children
7. Fathers
8. Servants
9. Master
10. Conclusion
11. Oh, Happy House