About This Product
For some years, F. G. Patterson edited Words of Truth. He also contributed articles to other periodicals and authored four books--A Chosen Vessel, Lectures on the Church, Lessons for the Wilderness, and The Ways of God. These rich meditations, his many articles, and his answers to correspondents are now brought together in one large volume. Patterson has been highly esteemed for his clear and concise presentation of truth.
Table of Contents
1.Introductory Notes
2.Forty Days
3.Forty Days: 1. The Forty Days of the Flood
4.Forty Days: 2. The Forty Days of Moses on Mount Sinai
5.Forty Days: 3. The Forthy Days' Searching of Canaan
6.Forty Days: 4. Human Weakness and Divine Strength
7.Forty Days: 5. Repentance and Forgiveness
8.Forty Days: 6. Conflict and Victory
9.Forty Days: 7. Redemption and Glory
10.Is the Christian in Adam or in Christ? and What Is the Result of This as Regards His Standing and Walk?
11.He Will Swallow Up Death in Victory
12.Lord's Supper, The
13.Water of Purification, The
14.Red Sea and Jordan, The
15.Personal and Corporate Actions of the Holy Spirit, The: 1. The Holy Spirit as a Quickener and a Witness
16.Personal and Corporate Actions of the Holy Spirit, The: 2. The Spirit as a Seal
17.Personal and Corporate Actions of the Holy Spirit, The: 3. The Body of Christ Formed by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
18.Personal and Corporate Actions of the Holy Spirit, The: 4. The Walk of Saints According to the Spirit
19.Vine, The
20.His Will - His Work
21.Zaphnath-Paaneah: Genesis 41 & John 4
23.O Wretched Man That I Am! Who Shall Deliver Me?
24.Jews, The
25.Noah Building the Ark, and Noah in the Ark: The Two-Fold Christian Testimony
26.Training of the Children of Believers, Correspondence on the
27.Singing at the Graves of Our Brethren, Correspondence on
28.State of the Saints Under Promise, Law, and Grace, Correspondence on the
29.Dead to Sin: Dead to the Law
30.Ephesians, Philippians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy
31.Aaron and His Sons
32.Brief Word on Matthew 12:5, A
33.Bunch of Hyssop, The
34.New Birth, The: 1. What Is It?
35.New Birth, The: 2. Repentance
36.New Birth, The: 3. Two Natures - the Old Not Changed or Set Aside
37.New Birth, The: 4. The New Man - Eternal Life
38.New Birth, The: 5. Walking in the Spirit
39.New Birth, The: 6. in the Light - Confession
40.God's Sovereignty and Man's Responsibility
41.There Is One Body and One Spirit: 1. Preface to the Third Edition
42.There Is One Body and One Spirit: 1. There Is One Body and One Spirit
43.There Is One Body and One Spirit: 2. Distinctive Positions of a Jew and a Gentile in the Old Testament
44.There Is One Body and One Spirit: 3. The Wall of Partition Removed
45.There Is One Body and One Spirit: 4. Christ - the Head of the Body, in Heaven
46.There Is One Body and One Spirit: 5. What Is Union With Christ?
47.There Is One Body and One Spirit: 6. The Formation of One Body by the Baptism of the Holy Ghost
48.There Is One Body and One Spirit: 7. The Lord's Supper
49.Unity of the Spirit, The: Preface
50.Scripture Queries and Answers: From Words of Truth Vol. 1
51.Perseverance of the Saints
52.Proverbs 1:26
53.Does the Holy Ghost Dwell in Christendom?
54.Galatians 3:10 and Philippians 3:18, 19
55.Cross, The
56.How Does God Create Evil?
58.Entering Into Temptation
59.John 1:51
61.Christ Learned Obedience
62.Quickening - Sealing
63.Olive Tree, The
64.1 Peter 1:1-2
65.Hebrews 13:13
66.Luke 16
67.Prayer to the Holy Ghost
68.Judgment Seat of Christ, The
69.Keeping the Unity of the Spirit
70.Indwelling of the Spirit
71.Saints and Faithful
72.Ephesians 1:18
73.Peter's Fishing After the Resurrection
74.Simon, Son of Jonas
75.Baptism of the Holy Ghost
76.What Is the Perfect Man?
77.Lord's Supper: Eating and Drinking Unworthily
78.Judas and the Lord's Supper
79.Is Righteousness God's Gift?
80.When Does Sealing Take Place?
81.What Does the Number Five Signify?
82.What Is the Meaning of Romans 6:17?
83.Many Called, Few Chosen
84.Anointing and Sealing
85.Eternal Life and Renewing the Sacrifices
86.Author and Finisher of Faith, The
87.Colossians 1
88.Hidden Manna and White Stone
89.Saul and the Witch of Endor
90.John 3:13
91.Believer's Confession of Sins, The
92.Make Your Calling and Election Sure
93.Are Christians Under a Covenant?
94.Reward in Colossians 2:18
95.Lie Not One to Another
96.Foolish Virgins, The
97.Dispensational Teaching of John 1; 2; 20; 21
98.Continuous Prayer?
99.Living God in 1 Timothy 3:15
100.Indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the Glory
101.First Resurrection, The
102.Isaiah 49:9-10
103.Gift: Government
104.Numbers 23:19; Exodus 32:14
105.Baptism of the Spirit
106.Colossians 4:12
107.Grieving and Quenching the Spirit
108.Experience of Romans 7, The
109.Matthew 16:19 and Matthew 18:18
110.Kingdom of Heaven - Kingdom of God
111.Hebrews 12:23
112.Women Praying in Meetings
113.Old Testament Saints
114.Governmental Forgiveness
115.Commencement of Ministry Concerning the One Body
116.Quickening, Sealing, Deliverance
117.Christian and Attractions to the Flesh, The
118.Character of Christ's Priesthood Now: Aaronic or Melchisedec?
119.When Is a Person Sprinkled With the Blood?
121.2 Corinthians 3:12, 13
122.Census Difficulties
123.Three, or Seven Years?
124.Fifty Shekels or Six Hundred Shekels?
125.Care Meetings
126.New Birth
127.Forgiveness, Sealing, Deliverance
128.Daniel's 70th Week
129.Emptied Himself
130.Two Witnesses, The
131.Tribulation Saints
132.Earth-Dwellers of Revelation
133.Christ as High Priest
134.Word, The
135.Church Is Both Body and Bride, The
136.Doing All to the Glory of God
137.Cup of Wrath, The
138.Restrainer, The
139.Binding of Satan, and Sin, The
140.What Is a Living Sacrifice?
141.Earnest of the Spirit
142.Elect Angels
143.Missions of the Seventy and the Twelve
144.Who Are the Two Witnesses?
145.Church and Ephesians 1, The
146.Tribe of Dan Not in Revelation 7
147.Half-Week in Revelation
148.What Is Renewed in Knowledge?
149.Thou Shalt Surely Die: What Death?
150.Serpent of Brass, The
151.What Is the Reproach of Egypt?
152.Why Am I Called to Gain That Which I Possess?
153.Formulary of Baptism
155.How Did Jacob Prevail Over God?
156.Priesthood and Advocacy
157.Jephthah's Sacrifice
158.Sin, Sins, Transgressions, Iniquities, Evil, Infirmities
159.Ambassador for Christ
160.Romans 4:25
161.Likeness of His Death, The
162.Is a General Judgment a Scriptural Thought?
163.Fellowship One With Another
164.Righteousness of God by Faith
165.State of the Godly Remnant of Jews in the Last Days, in Contrast With Abraham, The
166.Outline of the Parable of the Talents
167.Hope of His Calling, The
168.Marks of the Lord Jesus, The
169.Dead in Sins - Dead With Christ
170.Heavenly Calling, The
171.Baptized for the Dead
172.State of the Soul After Death
173.Eating Blood
174.Holy Ghost as a Seal, The
175.Fearful and Unbelieving, The
176.Restoration of Israel, The
177.We in John 3:11
178.Earthly and Heavenly Things
179.Kingdom of God and Leaven, The
180.Waiting for the Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ
181.New Jerusalem, The
182.Perfect Man, A
183.Was Christ the First Adam?
184.Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver
185.Does the Holy Ghost Dwell in the Church, His Body?
186.Has the Lord Fulfilled the Law in Any Sense?
187.Your Body, the Temple of the Holy Ghost?
188.Proper Formula to Be Used in Baptism?, The
189.Kingdom of Heaven Suffering Violence
191.Wilderness and Desert
192.Ways of God: a Brief Outline of God's Dealings With Israel, the Nations, and the Church, and His Purposes for the Glory of Christ, The: 1. Preface
193.Ways of God, The: 1. Government, Grace, and Glory
194.Ways of God, The: 3. the Past History of the People of Israel
195.Ways of God, The: 4. the Times of the Gentiles and Their Judgment
196.Ways of God, The: 5. the Calling of the Church, and Her Glory
197.Ways of God, The: 6. the Corruption of Christendom
198.Ways of God, The: 7. the Judgment of Israel and the Nations Introductive of the Kingdom
199.Ways of God, The: 8. the Judgment of Israel and the Nations Introductive of the Kingdom, Continued
200.Ways of God, The: 9. the Judgment of Israel and the Nations Introductive of the Kingdom, Continued
201.Ways of God, The: 10. the Glory, or Kingdom
202.Ways of God, The: 11. Satan Loosed for a Little Season, the Great White Throne, and the Eternal State
203.Ways of God, The: 12. Conclusion
204.Chosen Vessel, A: 1. The Vessel in the Potter, the Potter in the Vessel
205.Chosen Vessel, A: 2. The End of Man's History
206.Chosen Vessel, A: 3. The Vessel Called, the New Man
207.Chosen Vessel, A: 4. The Vessel Set Free
208.Chosen Vessel, A: 5. Why Did God Permit the Entrance of Evil?
209.Chosen Vessel, A: 6. The New Man
210.Chosen Vessel, A: 7. The Vessel Emptied of Human Strength
211.Chosen Vessel, A: 8. The Purpose of God in the Vessel
212.Chosen Vessel, A: 9. God in the Vessel
213.Blackrock Lectures: Preface
214.Blackrock Lecture 1: 1. Christ, Head Over All the Assembly, Which Is His Body
215.Blackrock Lecture 1: 2. Christ, Head Over All Things
216.Blackrock Lecture 1: 3. Head … to the Assembly
217.Blackrock Lecture 1: 4. Which Is His Body
218.Blackrock Lecture 2: The House of God, Which Is the Assembly of the Living God
219.Blackrock Lecture 3: Christ Among the Candlesticks
220.Blackrock Lecture 4: Him That Overcometh
221.Blackrock Lecture 5: Our Present Condition and Our Hope
222.Blackrock Lecture 6: The Church in the Glory, and the Father's House
224.John's Baptism
225.Christian Baptism
226.Baptism Admission to Privilege, Not a Witness to the State of the Baptized
227.Baptism of the Houses of Those Received
228.Difference of House and Body
230.Ways of God, The: 2. the General Scope of the Dealings of God
231.Lessons for the Wilderness: Preface
232.Lessons for the Wilderness: 1. Initiatory Lessons
233.Lessons for the Wilderness: 2. Initiatory Lessons
234.Lessons for the Wilderness: 3. Preparation for the Journey
235.Lessons for the Wilderness: 4. Preparation for the Journey
236.Lessons for the Wilderness: 5. The Threefold Chord of Praise
237.Lessons for the Wilderness: 6. The First Three Days in the Wilderness
238.Lessons for the Wilderness: 7. By-Paths and Straight Paths
239.Lessons for the Wilderness: 8. The First Three Days on the Journey
240.Lessons for the Wilderness: 9. The Two Trumpets of Silver
241.Lessons for the Wilderness: 10. The Trumpet and the Rod
242.Lessons for the Wilderness: 11. The Water of Purification
243.Lessons for the Wilderness: 12. Nazariteship Amongst the Uncircumcised
244.Lessons for the Wilderness: 13. Nazariteship Amongst the Uncircumcised
245.Lessons for the Wilderness: 14. Greater Works
246.Lessons for the Wilderness: 15. The Ribband of Blue