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About This Product
Facsimile reproduction of a periodical published 1856-1865
Excerpt: Ephesians 4:21
The truth in Jesus is not a mere theory before our mind, but that we put off the old man, and put on the new. I cannot, however, do this in detail, except as I reckon that in Him I have put off the old man, and put on the new.
Table of Contents
1. Girdle of Truth: Volume 1 (46 articles, W.H. Dorman, 1856)
2. Girdle of Truth: Volume 2 (47 articles, W.H. Dorman, 1857)
3. Girdle of Truth: Volume 3 (48 articles, W.H. Dorman, 1858)
4. Girdle of Truth: Volume 4 (53 articles, W.H. Dorman, 1859)
5. Girdle of Truth: Volume 5 (54 articles, W.H. Dorman, 1860)
6. Girdle of Truth: Volume 6 (44 articles, W.H. Dorman, 1862)
7. Girdle of Truth: Volume 7 (32 articles, W.H. Dorman, 1863)
8. Girdle of Truth: Volume 8 (34 articles, W.H. Dorman, 1864)
9. Girdle of Truth: Volume 9 (33 articles, W.H. Dorman, 1865)
10. Girdle of Truth: Volume 10 (21 articles, W.H. Dorman, 1866)